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Views for this Topic: 1585

9/15/2009 11:29:17 PM
Are you still voting? try some VELULA ...

7/9/2008 5:51:38 PM
1) What do you think about this song? (part 1 of seven parts)

5/6/2008 6:36:37 PM
Introduction to VELULA

3/31/2008 6:03:28 PM
Do you want to learn a new world? Come today to a different experience. Discover this band. Come to VELULA.

2/13/2008 7:39:40 AM
Making a video ....any idea???

2/10/2008 2:34:07 PM
Alucigenia (Music Films Zine)

2/6/2008 6:48:51 PM
Try IAC´s best band VELULA !!! Can you imagine music?

1/25/2008 3:43:52 PM
#1 "Ojos de la Transparencia" METAL / HARDCORE CHARTS

10/20/2007 4:05:41 PM
# 1 VELULA - Ojos de la Transparencia


Basic (free) Member



3/31/2008 6:03:28 PM

Do you want to learn a new world? Come today to a different experience. Discover this band. Come to VELULA.
Awesome!!!. Congratulations to the musicians who are always looking for new ways to wake up our ears. The more I listen the more I realice how delicate and complex was the process of creating VELULA's music. These songs are more than audio films. Not even the words are important, but the way they are said, involve you in unspected images while your eyes want to be closed. Vibrant and powerful sound. Every next second you are asking yourself ..."what's coming next ?". Come to a different experience ... try VELULA.


Kind Regards

Aluigenia (Music Fims Zine)

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