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4/4/2016 12:05:09 PM
Anybody know a good way to contact support......

9/18/2009 6:59:08 AM
Little Feat - Electrif Lycanthrope

7/24/2008 9:36:09 AM
Is having a sense of humour essential to get you through your day?

5/1/2008 11:23:42 AM

10/11/2007 1:42:35 PM

8/21/2007 9:40:52 AM
Anagram Fun

8/20/2007 8:13:25 PM
Whilst on the subject of giants of the rock world......

8/20/2007 4:48:12 PM
Lucky escape for goat............

6/16/2007 10:30:13 AM
Our Kinda Guy.......

6/8/2007 8:45:46 AM
Robot Teddy


IAC Prime Member



9/18/2009 6:59:08 AM

Little Feat - Electrif Lycanthrope
Somebody was kind enough to slip me this link a while back and I thought
I would share it here for anyone like me who has an old worn out vinyl copy
of this amazing bootleg - now available for download from the Internet Archive
free and without fear of retribution ; )


For anyone who doesn't know its a classic 'live in the studio recording' that was considered
better than some official releases by fans back in the day. Def worth checking out if you haven't heard it..........


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9/18/2009 7:04:21 AM

Great band, Lowell George, Bill Payne et al - great players!!!

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9/18/2009 7:15:51 AM ---- Updated 9/18/2009 7:21:51 AM

Me too! Little Feat - Excellent Band!

Saw them once with Lowell George
and later on without him!

They still ROCK!

*And Thanks for the link Chris!

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Hop On Pop

9/18/2009 8:03:26 AM

Waiting For Columbus is, without a doubt, one of the great live albums of all time.

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The Man With No Band

9/19/2009 6:13:05 PM

Thanks Eagledoods ..... much appreciated ....

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9/19/2009 6:22:16 PM

Great band saw them in Christchurch NZ back in the day

Lowell George, Paul Barrere (No relation as far as i know) Bill Payne, and a fine Conga player and some extras---

Btw Lowells daughter is half of the duo "the Bird and the Bee" good music runs in families lol

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