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Brian Booth
Views for this Topic: 1064

9/22/2006 9:02:31 PM
IAC band names

8/4/2006 9:47:57 AM
Those old lo-fi recordings we all have somewhere...

7/14/2006 9:40:07 PM
IAC station contest for June

6/30/2006 7:34:43 AM
Have you recorded anything with another IAC member?


IAC Prime Member


Brian Booth

6/30/2006 7:34:43 AM ---- Updated 6/30/2006 7:32:32 PM

Have you recorded anything with another IAC member?
Amongst our number, there must be a good few examples of artists collaborating with each other - if you know of any, please let me know at the Collaboration Station -


Thanks - Brian

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Brian Booth

6/30/2006 7:56:24 AM

sorry - that heading was not what I meant, too restrictive - 'collaboration' isn't just about recording, it could be providing lyrics, say, or some other input - Brian

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Duane Flock

6/30/2006 9:19:34 AM

Cool idea, and I wouldn't mind. Distance is always a restrictive problem, but it's not impossible to over come. I have a few tunes that I've colaberated with old bandmates, but they're not on IAC (yet). I'm game, if someone likes my style of tunes well enough. I'm fairly easy to work with.

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Duane Flock

6/30/2006 9:20:43 AM

Cool idea, and I wouldn't mind. Distance is always a restrictive problem, but it's not impossible to over come. I have a few tunes that I've colaberated with old bandmates, but they're not on IAC (yet). I'm game, if someone likes my style of tunes well enough. I'm fairly easy to work with. Maybe I could even help with "writers block".

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The Rubrics

6/30/2006 9:49:03 AM

I would love to do this!!!! there are so many talented people here... I think some interesting work could be created... I'd love to hear the Baby and Ray collaborate on a song actually-- I like speculating about what that might sound like... Or I'd like to write a lo-fi sci-fi oldtime song with the Decemberists. :-)

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6/30/2006 3:48:20 PM

I've got to collaborations coming out tommorow Brian as you know.

One with Hugh Hamilton and one with Dario from the band "If".

Hopefully that will be two for your station.

I would love to sit down with a crate of beer with baby and write a song. That would be interesting. There is a few people that I would love to work with on the site including you Brian. Perhaps we could form a supergroup.

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Brian Booth

6/30/2006 6:22:51 PM

What an exciting bunch of ideas already... please do it... all of you... Ray, I'd have to be the bass player in the set-up you suggest, so I could just listen - Brian

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Ash Ferry

7/3/2006 3:03:09 AM

What a great idea! I would love to collab with the party animals and serve beer and smoke lots of cigarettes and pass out beside the Brian Booth Shoulder Perch that doubles as Guitar Capo Doll.

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