6/6/2011 4:37:19 AM
I've just loaded up a song called TEN YEARS, which was written and recorded in Tasmania, Australia to celebrate World Environment Day in 1990. This is a LIVE AID type anthem featuring over 20 musicians and singers. The song was inspired by David Suzuki's statement that we had only 10 years to reduce our green house gases or we would face irreversible climate change. The song has turned out to be very prophetic. The whole project was done for virtually no cost with, every thing including studio time was donated. A video was also produced showing magnificent Tasmanian wilderness, and was shown Australia wide on World Environment day 1990. I will load the video when the filmmaker finishes converting it to a digital format.
I thought it needed a rerun for the world to hear, as everything mentioned in the song has happened. Most of the climate change ideas were speculation when I wrote this song.
I would be very happy if the good people of IAC could help get this song out as a bit of a community message.
Have a listen on my FARKEM song page because it is great performance by many talented musicians, and an inspiring song.
Ray Kemp