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6/16/2006 10:34:15 PM
Thank you all....:)


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6/16/2006 10:34:15 PM

Thank you all....:)
I was inspired by Hugh Hamilton's blog the other day, he was thanking people here on IAC for the support and comradarie that he has felt. I feel the same way. I've never belonged to such a great community where I'm appreciated for my music and effort, not to mention, all of the great exposure and support that IAC has provided me. I just want to say a BIG thanks to everybody! All my great friends that i've made here, all the extraordinary artists that create some of the best music I've heard in years and that give me so much inspiration, and mostly to all that lift me up by adding my songs to their stations. Also much thanks to IAC for including me in their KIAC hitline, and all the many other accolades they've given me. I've said it before and I'll say it again, IAC has been one of the greatest blessings in my life. A year ago, I would have never pictured any of this, I was going through a very rough time and pretty much was ready to quit music, but then along came IAC and it gave me hope.. Even if it doesn't last forever, I'll always treasure these moments, because nothing that good lasts forever. But, as I age, I've learned that you need to live in the moment and savor every good moment, that's just what I'm doing my fellow friends and artists, I'm savoring all of you...:)

Love, Gina

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Spank Momma

6/17/2006 10:40:44 AM

Your Awesome Miss Gina !

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Gina French

6/17/2006 11:24:05 AM

You awesome back Mr. Baby....:) You've been such a great support to me, not to mention, you always make me laugh with your very witty comments, and wow, what great music you produce! Thanks for being my wonderful IAC friend and fellow artiste.

- Gina

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Rich Russom and Joe Aloisa

6/17/2006 1:31:59 PM


I couldn't agree with you more! I've made so many friends here, and have been inspired by so many IAC Artists. Last night I visited a club, here in the suburbs of Chicago, to see Kevin Paul's (Stick), Band '1969'...had an excellent time, and we talked of some collaborating! There is no community quite like IAC! Some of my longtime musical friends are here; Jim Damiano, Franklin Jonez, Blake (Blakester) Vaughan, and of course my new friends; Gina & Jessica French, Maria Daines & Paul Killington, Kevin Paul (Stik), William Troniak (Hoping & Praying for him & his Music), Tom Hill (Dam-Hi Music), and so many others!

So lift your glasses, my friends...Cheers to IAC for giving us all an opportunity, and most of all, keeping our Music Alive:)


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6/17/2006 1:36:10 PM

I hear so many wonderful talented artists say "I almost gave up on music" I say thank you for not giving up Gina. if you had, me and so many others tuning in online would never have had the pleasure of hearing your wonderful talent :) Because of my friend Hadley and many of you on IAC, I dont even pay much attention to mainstream music anymore :)

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Gina French

6/18/2006 8:24:19 PM

Thanks Rich, I agree, let's lift our glasses to IAC and all the incredible artists on this site. Also, to the wonderful new friends we've made and also to our old friends/artists who have always been there for us with their great support, and most of all to IAC's positive impact on us as Independent artists, long live IAC...:D Cheers to you all!!!

- Gina

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Gina French

6/18/2006 8:36:46 PM

Thanks also to you Lauri for your very sweet message. I appreciate your support and all the hope you've given to me by adding so many of my songs to your stations. I know it can sound whiny when an artist says, "I was going to quit music", and people probably get tired of hearing it, but I sincerely mean that, if it weren't for certain people and great factors like IAC, I'm not sure if I would have wanted to carry on with my music. I guess I just feel that I want to show my gratefulness to those who helped me hang in there and stay with it, many great friends that have always been there to cheer me on, especially friends I've known for years, like Gaslight District, and then all these new friends, like you Lauri, who have also given me hope. I know that an artist should be able to find the strength and fortitude to keep that fire burning by themselves, but since I've been doing this for so long, sometimes I got tired of the struggle. I've now found that with the growth of these Independent sites like IAC, I can now get more exposure for my work, it wasn't always that way, so I am now more hopeful. Also, I've come to the realization that, music is what heals me, and singing for me is breathing, so, appreciation or not from others, I'm in it for the long haul, cause, basically, it's what keeps me alive. Not to mention, all of the music that I hear on this site, inspires me so very much, and that can't help for me to be a better artist.
Okay, I think that's long enough...:)

Bless you, kind Lauri,

- Gina

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