6/17/2006 11:57:05 AM
Go fetch Rover!
I have a new best friend, my dog and my husband's jealous.
I have learned again, kids ultimately will ignore their parents, and dogs, well they chew on whatever is available.
So yesterday I figured my daughter of 5 would pick up the sticks I asked her to pick up and throw them were I asked ha! So I start to mow my lawn & within minutes I look and see my dog freakin' & trying to get something out of his mouth. Not a pretty sight to see a hundred pound dog going into distress. He has always been able to gag things out but I knew this was different.
I'm starting to panic..then trying to stay calm for my daughter. Hurry her inside and think, think, think quickly! Ok so not all my thoughts were good (sorry Maria D.) I'm like this is going to cost me alot of money I don't have ....leaving him, wrong idea....
I do get him to the hospital in time, they were fantastic! Within 5 minutes they pulled out a wood piece the size of my little finger that got wedged in the back of his mouth.
Only an $85 lesson to not have your dog chew on sticks!!!!!
He now stays right next to me everywhere I go.
Please use balls for fetching, now to get rid of those sticks.