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Poor Billy
Views for this Topic: 893

7/16/2006 11:51:25 AM
Johny goes # 1

7/15/2006 10:06:24 AM
Join Poor Billy

6/22/2006 2:26:57 PM
Direct from London to Aarhus, DK

6/19/2006 2:39:23 PM
Here we are


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Poor Billy

6/19/2006 2:39:23 PM

Here we are
Dear reader.
Right now Poor Billy have entered the page with two songs : "Give it all back" and "If they say".
We are from Denmark, where the song "Give it all back" has been played very much in
DR P 4, which is one of the biggest in DK.
We are working on a new CD and the music and energy in the band is phantastic and
creative, we love it. The CD will be produced autumn this year and probably be
released in January 2007. As a songwriter I work very much on the text to be interesting
and very personal.

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