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Carl Schonbeck
Views for this Topic: 938

9/17/2008 7:50:26 AM
New Website

7/14/2008 7:39:03 AM
Back From the Wilderness

5/24/2008 7:42:28 AM
QOTD Radio Now Updated

5/23/2008 8:49:08 AM
Quote me on that

5/22/2008 4:38:43 AM
New Station

4/11/2008 11:32:37 AM
Drink several beers and watch this if you dare

4/6/2008 9:03:42 AM
Zzzzzzzz Top

3/21/2008 2:03:56 AM
Any Steven Wright Fans?

3/19/2008 9:26:16 AM
Let's Go Trippin'

2/16/2008 6:44:15 AM
Panic in Uploadsville

1/4/2008 9:44:30 AM
Mastering Service

12/7/2007 5:48:11 PM
Radio DiBurghi

11/20/2007 5:23:49 PM
Getting Permission to Cover Songs


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Carl Schonbeck

3/19/2008 9:26:16 AM

Let's Go Trippin'
Hi y'all, in this season of pre-kayak waiting and anxiety what better way to get away from it all than taking a little drive....around the solar system! Just a little youtube thing I put together that I thought some of you might get a kick out of. I got a bit wierded out when I saw Arthur C. Clark (writer of 2001 A Space Odessey) had died about ten minutes after uploading the file. Oh, well. (turns absent mindedly onto memory Lane) My fave 2001 moment is when I went with my dad to see it in around 1970. Latest thing in Boston quadrophonic-groovosonic art-house cinemas...the works. Film ends and my dad goes, "So, what did you make of the end of it?" I was six at the time. Also, dunno if I shouted it here earlier but thanks mightily for the alt-retro song nomination....certainly a thrill.

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