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Meshwell (Red Eye Ent.)
8/30/2006 2:13:04 AM
Why is it that Hip Hop songs are hardly ever featured on the KIAC Big 50?
We don't know about the rest of you artists, but have you ever wondered why the KIAC Big 50 hardly ever features a hip hop artist/group? We imagine that there are a lot more Hip Hop artists feel the same way as we do. Seriously though, we (Meshwell) have been in the Hip Hop Top 3 all summer long and have held #1 4 times. Then there's D-Cyfer. He is also one of the few that has always remained at the top of our genre as well. Then there's our biggest compitition, Mikado. He has also been in the Top 3 all summer and just recently dropped to #4. Is it that there aren't enough peple listening to us? No, we don't think so. Meshwell has registered thousands of plays since we joined in late April. Now if we got that many then D-Cyfer, who has been here longer, must be ahead of us in total plays. We, along with the others we imagine, got invited to IAC to add to their Hip Hop Genre. O.K., so were here, but yet we stay stranded on the Genre Charts. Now don't get what we're saying twisted, we appreciate all the luv we are getting from the fans and listeners here but we wanna know, where do we go next after we top our Genre? There has to be some other incentive. Yes, we obviously can upload a new track and watch what that does within the genre but ,hypothetically, what if that one tops the charts as well. If anyone else is with us on this please post about it. We just wanted to voice our opinion and our concerns...Thanx...much luv to all atists....Meshwell

8/30/2006 8:58:20 AM
I agree but it has to be world class....If you check out my station PoPRoX you'll see my lead track is G-No, it's Urban and I won the station contest. I was the ONLY one playing this song for weeks but now 3 stations picked it up. I am from Halifax and listen to D-Cyfer too but it ain't my bag as much as this track. Listen to it and tell me that your track is equal to it. I will also point out that I have had a metal track in the top 3 many times and I didn't make it. I won't complain and I will try harder to break in. You guys make good music...Just keep pushing and you will get in.
8/30/2006 10:37:43 AM
Numerous hiphop songs have made the Big 50. But you need to take a look at the Underground 40, which is a chart created to feature songs from a wider range of genres, that is right there with the KIAC Big 50 on the front page. On that chart, the very first #1 song was Rising Sun - Yes Yes Y'all.
I might add here that how an artist does on the play charts has no role in getting picked for the Big 50, which is compiled by the programming dept.
The genre charts are also viewed more often than the Big 50 so to say you're stranded there is not really accurate.
btw, if you want to send a list of hiphop songs that you think are topnotch in the genre to IAC (not including yourself) to be considered as features, send them to Toby at and he'll pass it to the programming dept. Not promising anything except they'll definitely listen to your list if it's not too long.
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