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Meshwell (Red Eye Ent.)
Views for this Topic: 656

9/28/2006 12:27:34 AM
Hip Hop Hitz KIAC Big 50!!!!!

8/30/2006 2:13:04 AM
Why is it that Hip Hop songs are hardly ever featured on the KIAC Big 50?


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Meshwell (Red Eye Ent.)

9/28/2006 12:27:34 AM

Hip Hop Hitz KIAC Big 50!!!!!
We were very pleased to see our boy, D Cyfer, break down the barriers and become one of the very few Hip Hoppers to land on the KIAC Big 50. In our opinion, there is no other artist more deserving of being one of the pioneers. Hip Hop needed to be represented here better than it had been. By that we mean not only the Genre Charts. The World is very diverse, as is the styles of music represented here. The Big 50 always seemed like it was more of a pop/rock based station, which many here would agree, should not have been the case. The banner reads, "The Top 50 Trackz On IAC." Now it actually is. We noticed right out the gate that there were many trackz that outshined those that were in the Big 50 and were just waiting to be added. Now the time has come and IAC, to us, has dropped the hammer and established it self as the BEST...

IAC is "THE" best site for unsigned/independant/underground artists for every genre. Since we joined up in late April, we have witnessed a popularity jump on this site from single digit thousands to double digit thousands and it didn't take long at all. Some of the artists here we know on a personal level and for them and for us, this has been a carreer boost. We have deffinately noticed our fan base growing. Emails and posts to our Myspace pages have more than doubled since entering IAC and for that we thank the creators and the listeners of this site. Much luv and mad respect to all those who read this.....Meshwell (FLOW & RAH)

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