The Small Party
10/3/2007 6:10:37 AM
The Small Party - First Round Of The Bodog Battle of the Bands!! Tickets Available!!
After all the messing around, voting, pestering etc... we have finally been announced as doing a gig as part of the Bodog Battle, and the first round is in Manchester at the Academy on 12th October!!
The way this section works is that it is a mix of crowd voting (20%) and Judge Voting (80%), so whilst the audience voting is not huge, your support would be amazing and would spur us on to blow the roof off the place, which if you have seen us live, is generally a regular event!
Anyway, if you can make it go to
This is the official booking site and get your ticket. As part of the deal, if you email us your official notification of payment (obviously, remove the card information!!!!), we will email you a voucher for a FREE copy of Life of Confessions at the gig, so that is an album AND a great night of live music!!
Please let us know if you are coming and we look forward to seeing you all there and dont forget, shout for us!!!!!
See you all there soon
The Small Party