fly on the wall
10/20/2015 8:25:44 AM
Men are very jealous of other men
Never underestimate the jealousy component. It drives a lot of what goes on in social media. I see it all the time, hate directed at those who have the glow, as somebody here used to talk about.
Sometimes I think the best thing for artists to do would be to never offer a single opinion or expression of their personality online. It's hard for people to get past that when considering one's music. Perhaps what you think of the artist's personality weighs heavier than their music, at least for some jealous people.
10/20/2015 10:11:37 AM
I think people get jealous of other people. Women are much worse than men (in my opinion). Another woman walks into the room and by the time she has cleared the door women have already looked her up and down and started talking about her dress, shoes, hair, make up etc. Most men could basically care less about that stuff. Sure there is lots of jealousy in music. Instead of celebrating other musicians accomplishments they find ways to minimize it. Jealousy is purely a human condition that anyone can fall prey to. I get it all the time when people see all the awards and contests I have won. They say things like yeah, but you haven't had a hit record yet have you? I just smile and say that's true. But I am still working on it. Accomplishments in music are hard to attain these days. The competition is fierce and those that have not been fortunate enough to gain any ground often get very dark, depressed and angry. Then the jealousy rears its ugly head and it shows in the way that they interact with you. I just ignore that because I know that there are plenty of people who truly rejoice with me when something good happens. Instead of being jealous they are inspired to continue to work towards their own successes. When someone succeeds I see it as confirmation that we all can succeed if we keep working towards it. So I rejoice with them and give them the respect that they deserve.
Respect? It is a word that I use a lot because respect is a natural counter to jealousy, hatred and fear. I try to respect all artists. The only exception would be when they show disrespect to me. At that point I avoid them like the plague because I don't need any extra negativity in my life. Life is way too short to spend any time dealing with negative people. Most times, the reason why they haven't had any success is due to their attitude about life in general. Negative thought attracts negative results. I get up every morning proclaiming that this could be the day that I achieve all of my greatest goals. It happens to people all over the world. Why not me? I have beaten the numbers many times. Hundreds killed on the streets that I grew up on. But I survived several knife attacks and shootings. Thousands killed in the war. But I came home safe. Hundreds applying for a few jobs but I got hired. Hundreds of thousands of songs entered in songwriting competitions but I have won quite a few. My formula for my own personal successes is to spend as much time helping others to achieve it. Buddhists would say that I create good karma. I say that blessing others brings blessings. When they reach some monumental goals I rejoice with them. Instead of being jealous, I encourage them to reach even higher for even bigger accomplishments.
Much Respect,