Two Silo Complex
5/13/2016 11:11:10 AM
Believe it or not I used to be nice, I used to be thoughtful, I used to be kind, I used to care. Now I'm rude, cold, bitter, angry, jaded etc so that is kind of a turn on its head.
I don't really want to say what caused these events but it was a tragic life event from years ago nothing here. On on that day I said to myself being a nice guy isn't getting you anywhere and is only getting you stepped on so I decided not to be.
I'm not proud of it but I accept its who I have become. These days when I try to be nice it comes off cheap and usually makes me more angry than if I was not.
You must do what it right in your own head I don't wish anyone to follow my poor example because I ain't your Wheaties box role model I'm the guy you were always warned about. Find your own way seek help if you need it. Sure as hell don't follow me or you'll be more miserable than you ever imagined.
Two Silo Complex,
Two Silo Complex
5/25/2016 1:30:59 PM
Your thoughts are welcome Francesca Tamellini,
I've been enjoying speaking to you in different posts. I find your views refreshing.
Your right that 'being a nice guy isn't getting you anywhere' because it certainly won't.
After a long time of following that path. I found that it will get you taken advantage of, stepped on, abused, used and just plain treated like garbage because when your a "nice guy" you get railroaded at every turn. I've been burned so many times in so many ways that there is not much left of me but ash and cinder. So my views on things tend to be cynical.
Your right that "you know nothing about me" but as you see I get around and if you stick around you might get to do so if you choose to.
Its good to hear your perspective.
Two Silo Complex,