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fly on the wall
3/16/2008 1:19:35 AM
I'm starting a new fashion trend. I wonder if it will catch on.
It's the next step past wearing your pants pulled down below your ass. I'm going to utilize an orange life preserver wrapped around my lower torso as protection from the sex-crazed female artists I meet here at IAC. Hopefully the reverse psychology will kick in and they'll see this as a challenge and try to yank it off me, which will either give me extra stimulation or a minor hernia. This tactic will also be useful for safety porpoises if they try to throw me off the fishing boat cause I got too fresh. Not that I'm ever that fresh, mind you. :~D
3/16/2008 1:38:16 AM
Anyone got a pin ladies? Or do you think it need blowing up more ?
Roach up your nose
3/16/2008 3:15:57 PM
Are you that fly who got your palpus piercing at the free clinic last month?
Larry W Johnson_
3/16/2008 4:03:33 PM
not sure if that fashion trick 'will fly', fly.
Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin
3/16/2008 4:18:56 PM
So Fly..........just who are these "sexed crazed female artists" you've met here at iac?
Any "sexed crazed female artists" out there? (who are dying to pull Fly's pants off? ) Let yourselves be known!!
3/16/2008 5:31:03 PM
guilty as charged...but in my defense everyone knows how much squirrels like nuts. (smiley face injected here)
3/16/2008 6:38:01 PM
Do flies have nuts ?... Because I've dissected a few of them and haven't found this to be true... btw, flies make a marvelous decoration when pinned to a cork board and painted all the pretty colors of the rainbow.
3/16/2008 7:21:11 PM
i don't know if they do or not! never seen'em. better ask Fly.
Black Velvet Lace
3/17/2008 8:02:16 AM
uhm.. Fly.. if you're wearing that preserve aound your bottom, you'd better hope none of said ladies toss you overboard head first.....
fly on the wall
3/17/2008 9:41:58 AM
"So Fly..........just who are these "sexed crazed female artists" you've met here at iac?"
All of em!
"Do flies have nuts ?... Because I've dissected a few of them and haven't found this to be true..."
Most flies are shy so they cover their family jewels with their wings. As for dissecting them, you oughta be ashamed of yourself.
"btw, flies make a marvelous decoration when pinned to a cork board and painted all the pretty colors of the rainbow."
I don't mind a little bling but if you tried pinning me to a cork board I'd fly up your nostril and make your life a living hell. :~D
"uhm.. Fly.. if you're wearing that preserve aound your bottom, you'd better hope none of said ladies toss you overboard head first....."
If they do that, I'm taking them under with me.
"guilty as charged...but in my defense everyone knows how much squirrels like nuts."
See, there you go, there's at least one honest lady in the house. A rarity! :~D
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