fly on the wall
7/19/2008 1:21:47 PM
playing Scrabble with a psycho woman.
Today, in fact, just a few minutes ago I was playing Scrabble online with a random person who I could tell was a woman by her name. The game was only 2 moves in and she played ELEVATE off my NEON which set me up for a triple word since I had an S. I knew I had good letters and also a BLANK so I moved them around til I found the perfect word, FORESEE which not only gave me 2 triple words but a 50 point bonus for a 7 letter word for my all time highest score on 1 play, a 122. I was so proud.
It was then that things turned really strange. She said "cheater" and I laughed, thinking that was cute. However she wasn't kidding. I can't cut and paste the dialogue from that point cause it doesn't work but I'll try to recreate by posting the highlights here.
She said it's against the rules to look up words and she's turning me in.
I said you're kidding, right? She said No. I said I know the word foresee, don't you?
She said Abort or I will turn you in. I told her I didn't cheat and she's insane. I also called her a nut.
She then said "you cheat on your spouse to" and laughed hysterically. and that I cheat at work.
I said "that's so crazy, thanks for the laugh" and she again laughed hysterically hahahahahahahahhaha
she said she hopes life treats me the same as I treat others, cheating.
I said "listen, scorned, insane woman, I don't care if you've had a lousy life, don't take it out on scrabble players.'
She said "name calling too, very defensive."
I said "Coming from somebody who stupidly called me a cheater. You're a hypocrite too, what a surprise." and "what kind of imbecile comes on a scrabble site to pick fights." She replied "you"
I said I've had one play over 100 in my lifetime and you couldn't handle it so you went off the deep end like you probably do to your boyfriends til they run away permanently.
she said "stop harrassing me"
I said "so you come play scrabble because you don't have a friend in the world. and answered her harassment comment by saying "whatsamatta, you can dish it out but you can't take it. awwwww"
she said "last time, stop harrassing me"
I said "stop harassing me, asshole"
She said "foul name calling mmmmmm turning you in for that"
I said "I don't care, bitch baby. What a poor sport, goes ballistic when somebody plays a good word. Amazing. PMS psycho"
and then she blocked me.
Oh well, I guess I'll have to get me another scrabble name if need be. Women!