fly on the wall
10/15/2008 1:03:51 PM
I missed me.
I relocated myself for the 3rd time in 5 years, hopefully this will be a city where I can stand the people. What are the odds of that? :~D
I haven't had internet for a bit. Didn't miss it too much. To summarize I was invited to live with this vivacious lady and couldn't refuse her, she's relatively irresistable and she fills all the gaps in my psyche, and does so with inimitable perfection. This hasn't been tested but I believe her genetic make-up is pure cane sugar, the kind they used to put in soda til they found cheaper methods and that's why soda doesn't taste quite as good now. Soo, I have been hating the town I was in so I said fuck you to the landlord, told him he could keep my furniture and headed on the Greyhound trail with a large bag of memorabilia and 2 changes of clothes. Okay, yes, I arrived a little ripe but there's something comforting about being able to smell yourself.
I was able to view the internet for about 4 or 5 days (it's actually on the local cable system) but today I finally bought the service and hooked up my laptop and felt the urge to rant here on my home turf. I perused and found the topics of the last week to be atrocious. These obviously weren't blogs written by artists but by friends of my aunt's next door neighbor Gertrude whose idea of imagination is putting the inflatable Santa on the back porch for a week instead of in the front yard. The bar isn't being set very high for some of you, is it?
I saw one interesting spectacle on the pipeline the day after I moved into my new abode, an obviously drunk guy showing his true colors for all to see. I made a wager with a friend about how long it would be til he deleted his post and I won because I said less than 1 1/2 hours. Some people are more interesting drunk than sober, this one's inner thoughts are rather toxic, though the obvious question is why does he have such a high opinion of himself? I was reminded of an artist friend who had just put her music on a new site to absolute raves. I pointed this out and told her she's getting popular. She said "never trust an artist who is looking for plays for their stats". I found this to be cynical and asked her when she knows somebody is a fan with all these people around telling her she's wonderful. She said "when they buy my CD". I was a fan too but she gave me a copy, I've always felt a little guilty about not buying one. This internet music thing can be cruel, in a way.
Here's another topic. Somebody left a nasty message on my tagboard while I was gone about using fake names. I gotta say this. Anybody who takes a stand on the internet about anonymous names in this stage of development of the world wide web may well be an idiot. Many more people use handles than their real names, you know. Artists have even more reason because they're doing business and they're allowed to have opinions just like the next person. Sure it may be simpler for you if everybody posts their real name, address and phone number but that's not really the environment of the online denizen. It's about content, if you hear great words of truth from somebody named Cypher Rude, are those words any less true? Of course not. There's a Internet Bill of Rights, and the first rule is.
1. You can be anything you want. Then you can change your name tomorrow, twice. As long as you don't break the law, you cool.
Adapt or fall behind. If you can't handle the internet for what it is, I recommend you sell your PC and go meet up with a group of old men who play pinochle. They have nothing to hide but even these fellows cheat on occasion.
Have I covered enough ground here or should I tell you all about my road rage incident from a few weeks ago. Don't ever drive by me playing bad gospel music at full blast where I'm forced to listen or I will go postal on your ass, guarantfuckingteed. :~D