fly on the wall
6/4/2009 1:14:21 PM
Sex is 93% of everything.
I rail about this topic often, I know.. haha but I spend a lot of time in bed, and it always amazed me how involved some of these people were in all these sophisticated orgasm techniques and then when you wanted them to please you, there was nothing interesting going on at all. I soon concluded that many of them will never in their lifetime give worthwhile action for all this skill they're accumulating with equipment I wouldn't even know how to operate.
Tom O'Brien
6/8/2009 6:15:10 PM
Your subject heading made me think (outside the bedroom).
Sex is such a huge part of humanity that I think that understanding it is key to understanding our behavior and our civilization. Our base instinct is survival of the species. All life has this programmed innately. We need to procreate. These days sex and procreation are separated by a wide gap, and sex has often become recreation instead. But it wouldn't feel so good if it weren't meant to be done. I'm very pro-sex.
The male of our species wants to show prowess in order to be a better mating candidate. We do this by attaining money and power (as well as artistic ability). Our unique skills and our ability to provide make us more attractive to potential mates. Most of this goes on subconsciously. Greed comes from wanting to have more than the other guy, or gal, in order to be more attractive. Of course we want to live a comfortable life, and making more money can help us do that - but we want a more comfortable life so we can have more sex. It's evolutino at work. We are animals, after all.
Unfortunately, our individual need for power and wealth in order to get sex can lead to individuals treating other individuals poorly. And on the global scale, I think that entire wars are fought so that individuals can feel powerful. Sex is the ultimate driver of human kind.
I'm only speaking as a male. I'd be interested to know the female take on this.
Sex is power. And women often have power over men with it. There was a Greek play, by Aeschelus maybe, in which the women of the country stopped a war by refusing to have sex with their husbands.
All the woes of society can be blamed on the most dangerous drug - testosterone. It may have been more important earlier in our development, when we hunted for our food, but I don't think it's as important any more. They say men with higher testosterone levels do better in business. They're more assertive and aggressive. I think my levels must be low. I usually take a stance of cooperation and caring.
We need enough testosterone to make babies, but certainly not enough to make war.