fly on the wall
11/20/2009 12:31:11 PM
I had a nightmare about Thanksgiving
Tall guys in turkey suits were waiting outside to attack all the citizens. Squanto was their leader and he was giant-sized like Stumbo the giant, remember him? I was running away but the ground turned to cranberry sauce and I was sinking, sinking. I grabbed hold of the mashed potatoes but they gave way. Then Fred MacMurray from My Three Sons came at me with a carving knife. I escaped into the living room to watch football only it was a game between the Detroit Lions and the Detroit Lions. My mother called me out to dinner but my Aunt Mae was blocking the door and wanted a kiss. At this point I leaped out the living room window shattering it into a million pieces and rolled onto the patio where my teacher was waiting for me to tell me I needed to get my Science Fair project done. I told him I was quittin school and joining the Navy. I didn't want to go back into the house to face Aunt Mae but I was hungry so I ate some gumdrops I had in my pocket. Snow started to fall. My life was falling apart. The end.
Bryon Tosoff
11/20/2009 1:12:34 PM
hahaha, a freaking cool one , the best of the fly on the wall imo,.but what the hell do I know, but it was a brilliant post, I loved it, I especially loved the game the Lions were playing, what a tragic circumstance and the mashed potatoes part too. ooooey , lets face it, life is like that sometimes when you grab something you think is worthwhile then it becomes gross and realize the ooze coming from between your fingers was caused from drinking too much booze and drugs and your dreams are not dreams but your life slipping through your fingers and you are messed up
ah but this was a fly on the wall story and I just ruined it by interpreting it
sorry fly
11/20/2009 5:14:52 PM
That strory is very "Norman Rockwell" if Norman Rockwell was Norman Bates on a handful of purple microdot. It warmed my heart. Or maybe that is just the chili I had last night. Can't wait for the Christmas story, I love me some Satan Claws.
Gotta go, I just ate something that I found under my couch that may or may not be a quaalude.