5/31/2016 3:52:27 PM
Some people are just out of their minds
and there's nothing to be done to help them. They're wired wrong. And I know about wiring.
Now, I don't want anyone here to get upset, because I am definitely not talking about anyone here. (THANK GAWD! IT'S NOT ME!...this time :) )
But I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
All you can do is seek as little contact as possible. Right? Anything else that can be done?
Shoe City Sound
5/31/2016 6:51:06 PM
You are right - as little contact as possible. My mistake is I give someone a break no matter how nuts they may seem, not wanting to be mean and judgmental, but no, first impressions are always right with the completely "out there". It always ends badly for me otherwise. As Maya Angelou says "when someone shows you who they are, believe them"