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9/5/2009 8:21:51 PM
---- Updated 9/5/2009 8:29:45 PM
I learned a lot here, LyinDan.
Interesting little bit of information about my last drummer; that Break Beat (the Amen), from AMEN BROTHER by the Winstons in 1969, was his favorite and most overused drum pattern! I knew it had been done before, and was a standard beat, but had NO idea it had SUCH a huge influence in the last 40 years.
And in his tweaked out mind, it's the new-fresh hip-hop style!
SO MUCH great wisdom in this factual analysis of THAT particular "break beat", it's origins and exhaustive history, and copyright laws....
REALLY makes ya think, that WE must be a part of the evolution of music HERE on IAC, the way so many of us genre-mix & genre bend, and create ANEW, with a fairly firm grasp of music in the past 100 years.
We owe it ALL to those, like The Winstons, who've actually created something fresh and innovating, that would end up being copied ad nauseum, with that simple funk beat, back in 1969.
Their are VERY FEW truly original breakthroughs in music.
Wouldn't it be sweet if somebody from IAC turned out to be part of a NEW sound (that builds on all that has gone before, of course).
Ya never know.
Thanks for the VERY informative, and well-researched Music 101 Class today Dan.
I'm gonna ask the Principal Princezzz if I can have my daughters watch this youtube as part of their Music Appreciation Class in home school.
9/6/2009 11:52:22 PM
Very informative. I guess it's true, there really is "nothing new under the sun". It really highlights the agony, and irony of trying to own intellectual property. Truly, imitation is the best form of flattery. The only ones who benefit from copyright laws are the ones who can afford to enforce them.