Dr Terribol
2/6/2007 3:51:29 PM
---- Updated 2/6/2007 5:00:47 PM
Personification of Real and Complete All Forgiving and Merciful Love Rejected In The World
This is a 3TV 9 O Clock News Special
From our correspondents from Utopia.
Hello, good evening Gentlewomen and Gentlemen.
We have serious news for you, please stop what you are doing and if you are holding anything, put it down because this news may shock you.
Thank you.
We knew about the climate, we knew about the strange illnesses and diseases given to animals by human misuse of the planet, but now it seems from all of our academic channels of input and scientific and spiritual channels, that not only earth is dying, but more importantly, nature's purpose for us all, is in grave danger of being undone through human neglect and wicked behaviour.
Unknown to us all of course, was that in life that we found ourselves in, there was truly essential purpose, an order of the higher kind, so it has turned out, did after all shape us for success in the end, yet first we would have to undergo every trial and learn every lesson until we truly became that greater love that so many people had in some way tried to find all of their lives.
Who was able, who has been able, to fulfil their tasks and not become lost in their own pain? And in that way turn on the world in anger, deceive the self and the not-self and add to the dump of human lostness and illusion, who could hold on and be true in every single way to the highest of real love?
We’ve not been able to find anybody at all, who could do that.
Even when there was anyone like that, it seems the human race, could not understand it, even though they may have tried, the human, automatic and habitual, obsessive in behavioural patterns, pushed every human to be true to their genitals, rather than to love, unconditioned and never failing to be what lovereally is- selfless andunselfish wi8thout gain for the self but honest and kind, in all ways, at all times, love, true to the truth of kindness, simple kindness, meaning lacking any sign of selfishness or cruelty, and instead we who know ourselves not, meaning them and those people, they were pulled, and still are and will be pulled, by the inborn mechanisms of the propagator for the prolongation of the form of life that they found themselves/ourselves born into.
Sex drive makes them and us feel alive, the trick in winning in love, is to enjoy it but to be stronger than it, yet the mind of sex, is stronger than 12 spirited, passionate horses and then that pseudo love is true to those horses but not to the driver. And brother kills brother, disgraces mother, does not listen to any father, and the human race is fragmented in that way, not knowing, the human believes then many things and so stumbles in illusion and mistake after mistake and continues to expouse theory after theory which in their ways, is the reason and justification for cruelty on earth. The grand excuse of the ages, "I don't know therefore I assume and guess."
They, meaning us, the human race, as a family of one all responsible for the sum of human behaviour and all of its consequences for;
1/ The human race
2/ all other life forms
3/ the universe and the planets within it and even outside of it, were not able to open the wings of the great love which might embrace every weakness and overcome it,
and instead we chose in our will to survive - pushed along in our unconscious and limited state of being - the own-self above the greater self of UNITY of and for all life and the workings of the higher intelligence that caused life not to be created as a meaningless substance but along with the emptiness and incomprehensible also as race, something which could come to comprehend its very own self.
Who could understand and be strong enough to follow the greater path that was written into every single soul before birth stamped with indelible ink on the very fabric of the pulsing under-heart of life who could be great and be a hero of love, could forget the self and at all cost to the self love the greater self of THE ALL, the totality of li