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Wendy Jensen
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9/14/2008 6:27:48 PM
Returning after a long break with new tracks

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Wendy Jensen

9/14/2008 6:27:48 PM

Returning after a long break with new tracks
Hi folks I've been away from IAC for quite some time mostly because for the past year I've dealt with some personal issues including about 12 deaths of friends, family and regulars at the church I work for every weekend...needless to say I haven't felt much like composing in the past year.

But finally, I've broken the cone of silence and am pleased to bring you some new tracks. Please visit my artist page and check out

Passion is Pain Pleasure and Sorrow

I've added a couple of stations as well and hope to add some more tunes from talented artists world wide. Blue Moon Piano Picks, Shamanka and Music to Scream Along To.

Thanks All

Wendy Jensen

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never never band

9/14/2008 9:25:30 PM

wow, listening to "Rejoice" now..

it's like the first little movements of spring after a long winter..
really lovely piece, It's so delicate I find myself holding still so I wont disturb it any way......

I'll listen to the other one, but I want to listen to this few times first.

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9/15/2008 3:07:29 AM

Great stuff, Wendy. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles but, as you know, music can be very cathartic. Your music has a soothing, delicate quality that stirs the air like a gentle breeze.

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Wendy Jensen

9/15/2008 8:24:53 AM

Thanks guys. Music is therapy, I put a lot of myself into the songs and they are very personal to me...glad you enjoyed it. For more you can look me up on myspace. peace.

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tom lee

9/15/2008 2:59:38 PM

sorry about your losses wendy all the best to you.

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Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin

9/16/2008 4:50:27 AM

Welcome back Wendy and I'm very sorry about your losses. I look forward to hearing your music. deb

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Wendy Jensen

9/16/2008 11:20:44 AM

Thank you Tom and Tony for the blessings, it is getting close to the Christmas season and the busiest time of year for some of us classical musicians. It is a time for friends, family, celebration and music...I hope to have the newest cd finish before 2009 .. big hopes but the past year has been a Journey, and my new cd, The Journey, tells the story of it all.

Many blessings and good luck to all.

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