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Wendy Jensen
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9/29/2008 11:29:57 AM
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9/18/2008 8:45:35 AM
Public Domain

9/17/2008 11:21:23 AM
Online Promo Scams

9/14/2008 6:27:48 PM
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Wendy Jensen

9/17/2008 11:21:23 AM

Online Promo Scams
About a month ago I got an email from AR Select. The email was pretty generic, saying they were interested in helping promote my music. My guess is that someone came across my profile on myspace and added me to their distribution list.

So, I emailed the company back to find out what the catch was, to inquire which songs specifically they were interested, what royalties were, etc etc. I did not receive a response back by email surprise surprise.

I signed up to the website as a member, gave a phony mailing address but used my real home phone number (which is unlisted). Within half an hour of signing up, I had a phone call from a rep of the company which is situated in the States saying, "I'd love to talk to you about the music YOU submitted to us..."

That sent off a red flag immediately. Say what? I never submitted music to them. They had approached me first. I visited their websites and looked for all information pertaining to services and fees. Their packages ranged from a basic package at $300 (which we get as a basic package on IAC for free)...and up to a package for $1000. They called these packages "membership dues". They promised in small print deep into their website, a 60/40 split "in favour" of the artist. How is that fair? First they want membership dues and then they ask a 60/40 cut?

So long story short. I ignored the first call. The next business day, the exact same time, I get another call from the same company. I wound up having to block their number and sent a message to their head office saying that further contact or distribution of my muisc or use of my material would result in immediate law suit.

So buyer be ware. Check for red flags, warnings and small print. Anyone can start a website and company these days. Lesson of the day, invest your money wisely. And save your pennies for a rainy day.

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Wendy Jensen

9/17/2008 11:23:56 AM

Another red flag for me was that this company supported members of a certain organization got discount memberships. Yet, there was no explaination throughout their entire site, to say they were affiliated in any way with this organization. They also gave no explaination as to why these artists would receive the discount.

These are just things to look for when searching for companies to represent you and your music.

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the kozy king

9/17/2008 11:43:07 AM

Nice to "meet" you Wendy.

Your composition "Rejoice" is the prettiest, most fragile thing I've heard in a long time! I added it to my station.


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Susan Raven

9/17/2008 12:04:08 PM

There's a lot of it about Wendy - and you are right, caution is the word!

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Wendy Jensen

9/17/2008 12:27:52 PM

Larree - you are most certainly right

Kozy King - thank you for the praise, and kind words, and support :) Appreciated.

Susan - I've loved your music as well. Thanks for your response.

I have no shame in putting things like this in the eyes of the public. If I can save one person from getting scammed out of thousands of dollars, then I've accomplished a great deal.

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9/17/2008 3:21:44 PM

good post Wendy

There's a scammers paradise out there----if you drop your guard!

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