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Views for this Topic: 954

8/3/2008 12:25:05 AM
all time low - huh?

5/24/2008 8:25:48 AM
landlocked - track 5

5/12/2008 2:30:33 PM
antique music

5/1/2008 5:00:46 AM
What a great surprise and good timing too

4/8/2008 5:45:41 AM
so, who won what?

3/8/2008 9:27:27 AM
perfect chorus - slight return

2/8/2008 8:38:58 AM

1/27/2008 8:53:36 AM
Landlocked - 2004 - my first solo collection

11/11/2007 3:21:45 PM
bands you like that your friends have never heard of....

9/11/2007 7:18:24 PM
brian wilson - 'that lucky old sun'

8/28/2007 10:48:07 AM

8/27/2007 6:10:09 AM
mosaic boy


Basic (free) Member



2/8/2008 8:38:58 AM

not sure if there is a suggestion box on the site anywehere, so delete this if it's in the wrong place...

..but, is it possible on the recent blogs page to have an option to go to the last post, some of these threads are so long.

i know the full forum didn't go down too well, maybe there is a compromise, has anyone been to the message board at Beach Boys Britain...?


it's a similar format to here but way more navigable? just a thought...

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2/8/2008 11:56:04 AM

Well I won't delete it because you asked so nicely but the nearest thing we have to a suggestion box is our 'support' dept. which you can access from your artist area. Not sure I fully understand what you mean because it only takes a split second to scroll to the last post - but I don't mind checking out the BBs they are faves of mine and many other retro freaks at IAC - Cheers

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Pulse Eternal

2/8/2008 6:08:59 PM

If you press the 'end' button on your keyboard, you'll go straight to the last post ;-)



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