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Views for this Topic: 986

6/10/2009 12:14:21 PM
Gene Simmon's Family Jewels Show

4/3/2009 3:25:15 AM
Whooping Cough yuck?

3/18/2009 6:00:44 PM
Writers Block do you have the cure?

2/7/2009 11:31:28 AM
New Year and back to business

11/25/2008 1:06:44 AM
Happy Thanksgiving

11/10/2008 6:59:01 AM
Life in the Delta

10/29/2008 12:56:25 AM
Halloween...It is already here!!!!!!!!

10/25/2008 8:34:32 AM
Growing up in the Mississippi Delta - Clarksdale, MS

10/18/2008 6:23:45 PM
New Songs Up!!


IAC Prime Member



2/7/2009 11:31:28 AM ---- Updated 2/7/2009 11:31:28 AM

New Year and back to business
Hey everyone, I am so sorry that I haven't been on in awhile. One of the hardest things in this career choice is trying to figure out where to go from here. There is always that next step that has to be taken and hopefully you walk the right way. I am trying hard to play acoustic gigs anywhere and everywhere until the band is ready to perform, which won't be long. I went back to the studio just to do a few acoustic songs to add to my press kit. I love performing first and foremost. If by chance any of you know of any venue's that would be interested in an acoustic show please let me know. I am willing to travel and I would especially like to go to New York sometime in April.

I sure hope everyone is having a great New Year!!!! I am planning on making mine a New Year to remember.


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