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6/10/2009 12:14:21 PM
Gene Simmon's Family Jewels Show

4/3/2009 3:25:15 AM
Whooping Cough yuck?

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4/3/2009 3:25:15 AM

Whooping Cough yuck?
Well, I sure don't know why I got this, but this is the worst of the worst. It is so hard when the coughing begins and it feels like it will never end. I really had no clue that coughing could be this bad.

But it worries me most of all when I think of singing. Surely this will go away and mostly I hope it doesn't affect my singing.

If you have had this or know of any singers that has had this please give me some insight!
I have no clue what to expect.


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Sly Witt

4/3/2009 4:13:40 AM

Most people seem to be getting over this in a week or so. Take care of yourself. I didn't and had it turn into pneumonia in November and I'm still not completely over it.

Plenty of liquids and lots of rest is the pre_scription.

I hope you're better soon!

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4/3/2009 5:21:31 AM

Thanks I am going to take care for sure. My Mom is going to make sure of that :).

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Richard Scotti

4/3/2009 3:33:25 PM

Sounds more like Bronchitis. Anitbiotics can help shorten the recovery period considerably. Tynolol can reduce fever.

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Beth Fridinger

4/4/2009 6:42:29 AM

Last year when I had a bad cough...coughing so hard it hurt my stomach and I couldn't stop...it turned out that I had a mild case of pneumonia and I had to go on antibiotics...there was this awful feeling down there in my chest like something was there....it hurt a little bit...If you have phlegm that is green or yellow you have an active infection...if you have a steamer...I have two kinds, one that puts steam in my bedroom...the other is a steamer with a small cup that I put water in, and I put a few drops of Olbas, which are essential herbs that are very strong, and breath in the vapors for about 10 minutes....
Last year I delayed going to the doctor Rich until I heard that my cousin's daughter had pneumonia and was in intensive care with her organs shutting down...she had MRSA...a resistant strain of bacteria...and almost died at 23...but she did survive...that got me to the doctor...so if the coughing is really deep go to the doctor. I don't like them and don't always do what they say, but I knew I could not kick this pneumonia by myself.
This year I had 2 colds, one in Dec before xmas and one in January...I was singing one night and suddenly my voice was gone and I had laryngitis...so be careful...drink a lot of water, take fish oil, vitamin C, eat well, rest....if you have green or yellow phlegm you should NOT sing....a vocal coach told me this...vocal chords are very delicate and can be damaged easily...I wish this was not so. Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx...fish oil cuts down inflammation and is very good for you...if you get laryngitis and start to lose your voice, try to rest your voice and try not to talk....
Now I have a cold again, thanks to some guy who borrowed my pen and after wards says "Oh I'm trying to get some medicine for my cold" and of course I caught his cold...and it's because I had had 5 1/2 hrs of sleep the night before...so if you don't have 7 or 8 hrs sleep you are three times more likely to catch a cold...what a pain. My nose is dripping like a faucet. If I sing I don't know if I can do so for 3 or 4 hours...and if I take cold medicine it dries out the larynx...this is all I need...I didn't work today...and I don't have much money left so I need to work....so I need beams.....
Good luck!

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4/4/2009 7:43:07 AM

"if you have green or yellow phlegm you should NOT sing"

and if you have purple phlegm you've been eating too many plums!

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Natalie Brown

4/4/2009 8:54:15 AM

Jax, I'm so sorry you have this. Did you go to the doctor yet? Whooping cough is no joke and you really should get treated. I would not sing at all if it's possible. You need to rest and get over the cough and make sure it doesn't develop into something worse. Sending healing love and light to you! Nat

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4/4/2009 5:08:33 PM

I think Richard Scotti is correct in saying it is a bad case of bronchitis. I have been to the doctor and I got a shot and a Z pack. The cough is so dry. Nothing is loosening up that's for sure. I always get cortisone in my shot and that is an evil in itself sometimes. I had to cancel my gig tonight, but my voice is much more important.

For the record My Mom makes me Ginger Root Tea. That is the best thing for your throat and you can drink it all through a gig unlike throat coat which should only be used after singing so not to damage your vocal cords.

Recipe for " Ginger Root Tea"

1 gallon Distilled Water
2 Large Ginger Roots washed and sliced
1/4 tsp. ground cloves
1 tsp. cinnamin
3 tbls dried mint leaves
3 large lemons sliced

Put in crock pot and cook for 24 hours on low strain and add honey from your area perferably for taste. Can be drank hot or cold.

This is what I use when I have to sing alot and it has made my life so much easier.
My Mom even keeps it in the freezer in individual bottles so I can get it out when I want it. Try it it really helps!


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4/4/2009 9:39:50 PM

Hey Richard you are so right bad case of bronchitis. Change in antibiotics, cough meds, and predisone. Hope this works quick. Gotta play for Juke Joint Festival in 2 weeks.


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Beth Fridinger

4/6/2009 10:58:49 PM ---- Updated 4/6/2009 11:15:21 PM

I'm glad you got diagnosed and antibiotics...go for follow up to make sure it does not come back...ginger root tea is excellent...I keep fresh ginger on hand.
BREATH IN STEAM....a few times a day...either boil water on the stove and stand over it and breath, or get a steamer in the store....OLBAS oil (Whole Foods or health stores) is helpful to add to the water if you have a small electric steamer with a small water cup. Also VIX Vapor Rub is easier to find. MOIST AIR HELPS BREAK IT UP. DRY COLD AIR AGGRAVATES IT. Other things you are doing is good...
I also use MUCINEX to break it up...I take it at night.
If you have yellow or green phlegm don't sing...the infection can go to vocal chords. Vocal chords can be injured very easily so be careful.
sleep, rest, lots of water, breath STEAM, avoid dust and smoke and anything that will aggravate bronchitis....vacuum house or bedroom...I have a steamer in the bedroom too....that keeps air moist when I sleep.
Bronchitis can easily turn into pneumonia. Bronchitis is a bitch to get rid of and if you are a singer watch out!! But breathing STEAM is a must to help break it up or help prevent pneumonia. Pneumonia takes longer to get well.
I made some chicken soup with veggies....drinking water...green tea for nutrition, ginger tea for throat, vitamin C, and eating veggies and drinking carrot juice...lots of rest and sleep...fortify immune system....I am going to the doctor tomorrow...I've had this since Thursday night....this is Monday...gotta get rid of this.
When I had mild pneumonia, my cough was like whooping cough. I had to go on antibiotics, 2 doses...the pneumonia caused a kind of pain in lungs...hard to describe...weird feeling like something was there...it showed up on an x-ray.... The pneumonia caused a horrible exhaustion, and I was sick with this for about five weeks...sickest I have ever been in my life. Well now that you are diagnosed, hopefully you can get rid of it and it won't turn into pneumonia. I would follow up with the doctor to make sure so you can do that gig in 2 weeks....in case you need a 2nd round of antibiotics.
There are some germs that are resistant, MRSA, and those can kill you, so take care of yourself, wash hands a lot...stay home for awhile...rest, liquids, breath STEAM on the stove, or a hot steamy shower or bath....

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4/7/2009 5:59:04 AM

Why should we take your advice, Beth? You're barely holding it together.

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Beth Fridinger

4/8/2009 7:19:13 PM

I know what to do....generally....why I keep getting sick....probably because I burn the candle at both ends and stay up all hours of the night. My immune system is a bit compromised.

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