4/18/2016 6:01:43 PM
Well, of course, everyone should be allowed to post song links anywhere.
When they post here, I truthfully feel somewhat inhibited from saying what I really think. And that's OK.
When they post in the Reviews section, I don't. Because if it's there, I feel they want honest feedback. Which I am not inhibited from.I think that's it's purpose.
It's OK either way, of course.
4/18/2016 6:51:13 PM
It's just that I do sense a difference in posting a song in the regular pipeline and in the Reviews section. There surely is a difference. OK, posting a song in the pipeline, we're al tryng to be friendly. No one really wants to be offensively constructrued. This is a supportive community. It's a natural that no matter what's posted, we want to be as supportive as possible. We try to be friends here.
In the Review forum, we try, I think, to be as objective as possible. There is an assumption that we will be as objective as possible, regardless of what may be hurtful. Otherwise, what in the hell is the purpose of a review forum? Surely, it is not to prop each other up.
Fairly recently, I practically BEGGED people to tell me what was wrong with a song I posted. Fail. Noone had the heart.
What is the good of that? I surely don't know, and I don't know why anyone should post there if they are not going to received objectively conceived reviews. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Comments that do nothing but prop one up when they are not objectively heard that way, well, it just doesn't make sense to me.
I think of the Reviews forum as willing to hear what people really hear. objectively. Otherwise, what's the point.
Clearly, reviewers can be completely full of shit. Many are. YOU have to decide whether they are or aren't. You may be right, not them. It's VERY possible.
However, if one doesn't want to hear the knocks, then you're not hearing what others really think, as stupid as they may be.
Just pumping someone up...I don't see the sense in it. What? What?
None of the preceding rant applies to you's just a rant which you can ignore.
However, it actually pissed me off to see, when I posted a song and INVITED criticism, that so few did, fearing to talkabout criticisms, when there were legitimate ones.
Anyway, post it in the criticism section, I will criticise for what you may think it's worth, post in the main section, I may hold my tongue, because, this is for friends, right?
Two Silo Complex
4/18/2016 8:04:16 PM
Scott as I said in Marc's post the only people I see offering reviews are stoneman Daniel P Hudelson; myself.
I see other members posting songs for review and replying to the reviews they get but not actually reviewing. I think I also mentioned in another blog that Stoneman wrote about RC.
I'm not really trying to be cynical just stating how I see it. I agree with what Marc said there is a lot of talent here that could participate in reviews but choose not too and that is sad, Maybe you see it differently.
If you look at some of my other reviews they are more critical in this case your song was good so it got a good review. In review channel I say what I think can be corrected if needs it in my opinion or in this case I gave a general comment. I agree and said before RC is not a place to only give good comments but if we can help an artist make it better we should offer that advice. After that its up to the artist to decide what to do about it.
I think I remember your song in RC and in fact I think I commented on it in RC
Here is what I said about it which is what I thought about it.
"A groovy smooth tune pretty well balanced I liked it. Catchy guitar hook. It swings and it sways and carries me away to the ocean of love. I really like songs that are timeless and this song for being 30 still sounds great.
A pleasant listen.