5/11/2016 9:43:39 PM
hard work and just desserts
Have you ever worked your ass off for something your entire life I mean hours and days and years into it and you keep fighting for it even when others tell you it impossible and you keep trying for it even after you have been knocked out kicked to the curb and left for dead.
Then one day after all the years of fighting and all the years of trying it stares you back in the face and your not happy and your not grateful instead it means almost nothing.
That is the situation I now find myself in and I can't bear walk away from it and it could be everything I ever hoped and dreamed for but yet I just want to throw up or punch myself in the face or maybe both.
Because right now there is a chance (might not happen for sure will but a good chance it might). I am afraid that if it does I won't even bother to care and that is just beyond sad I don't even know how to define it other than pathetic.
Two Silo Complex,