8/22/2023 10:49:47 AM Shouting out into the ether
8/18/2012 7:23:54 AM Just dropped by..
2/22/2011 4:27:35 PM Rachel Fuller's back online
9/30/2010 11:24:55 AM Cover songs on the radio
6/22/2010 9:15:51 PM The passing of a friend
12/3/2009 6:53:10 PM Hello Pipeliners/Cashbox Charts
11/24/2009 10:47:41 PM HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
8/15/2009 5:06:24 AM Hi guys..
3/14/2009 8:28:36 PM Kayaks...
1/17/2009 9:12:10 AM Thanks to all who supported Little Drummer Boy
12/14/2008 6:43:49 PM I put up a new song. Finally!! OK, it's only a cover..and..
12/9/2008 7:36:28 AM You Were Meant for Me/ Dear Prudence
12/4/2008 5:54:24 PM And where's Jo Ellen?
11/23/2008 7:20:04 AM John Lennon Video..
11/5/2008 8:42:20 PM Artist's Block
9/12/2008 8:39:35 PM Takin' a break..
8/7/2008 5:39:07 PM OK no music yet.. some lyrics tho..
7/27/2008 8:15:12 AM The Week in Kew
7/19/2008 2:53:14 PM Rachel Fuller in Kew
7/18/2008 8:45:16 PM VH1 Rock Honors.. The Who
6/10/2008 7:34:27 PM Wow, we're back, I almost had to enter rehab...
5/23/2008 8:53:32 AM Hey nevemind Kayaks.. somebody stole my...
5/22/2008 12:25:50 PM The ONE and only station dedicated to 12 string Hugo...
3/18/2008 7:36:56 PM I had good intentions...
3/17/2008 10:23:22 AM Well I started visiting individual artist pages to say....
3/17/2008 9:17:31 AM Nominations
3/15/2008 8:48:31 PM Guitars and guitarists
2/14/2008 2:27:56 PM Moving from guitarists.. what about..
2/12/2008 1:34:27 PM Acoustic guitar licks....
2/11/2008 12:35:08 PM ::Tears hair out::
2/4/2008 7:04:35 PM Private Messages
1/21/2008 8:21:37 PM And What About Songs You're Glad You DIDN'T Write!?!?
1/15/2008 6:35:50 AM Say hi to a new IAC member and friend of mine.. Kris Sheridan
1/13/2008 4:44:05 PM OH MY.. Behind Blue Eyes has reached # 1 at Cashbox!!!
1/6/2008 10:54:59 AM I'M BACK.. BWHAHAHAHA
12/19/2007 9:25:21 AM Crazed for the holidaze..
12/10/2007 1:27:52 PM Who's who
11/29/2007 2:21:40 PM ::Wanders about kinda dizzy from the whirlwind:::
IAC Prime Member
11/23/2008 7:20:04 AM
John Lennon Video.. ..at Yahoo. I'm posting the link but I hope it just pops open and plays. ::Still doesn't know how to post active links and YouTube videos at IAC:: http://new.music.yahoo.com/videos/50874981 ~Lace~
11/23/2008 7:48:38 AM
It doesn't pop open and play. I typed in "John Lennon" and 71 videos came up. Which one is the one you're talking about?
11/23/2008 8:08:54 AM
Any youtube you look to the right od the small window video and you'll see two links, one page link and the other "embedded". Copy the embedded code-link and paste it here and the video will post.
11/23/2008 8:10:46 AM ---- Updated 11/23/2008 8:13:12 AM
Lace, find the video you want on YOUTUBE they make it easy!!!! Go to youtube and open your video to play it...look to the right, youtube gives you a link to copy, and it also gives you html text...click the copy button at the html text, then come here and paste that html text by either hitting CONTROL V or RIGHT CLICK and PASTE and it should drop the html text in here which will paste your video right in here.
11/23/2008 8:15:48 AM
This is one of my favorite John Lennon songs and I also have a video of me doing it in youtube!! Here is John Lennon's version......wise words...so true unfortunately!
11/23/2008 8:21:43 AM
Here's Imagine
11/23/2008 8:25:27 AM
Here's LOVE...such a shame he was killed.
11/23/2008 8:29:45 AM
Julian on his dad....
11/23/2008 8:49:54 AM
John on the Beatles breaking up
11/24/2008 6:59:41 AM ---- Updated 11/24/2008 7:53:04 AM
Richard it was Imagine, Beth has posted it above. THANK YOU BETH!!!!! For posting the videos, as well as explaining how one does this both here and on my artist's page. You too Sterling! xox ~Lace~ ::tries it:: WOOHOO IT WORKS!
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