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Steve Ison
Views for this Topic: 1597

1/28/2019 12:53:55 PM
Thanx So much !

9/8/2018 10:45:09 AM
Music On The Roof 2018

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Be Young n Sexy or Have A Story to Sell

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The Steve Ison show !

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Whatever Happened to the song ?

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On The Way Up

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Are you a fan of the song or the artist ?

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3/23/2006 2:33:07 PM


IAC Prime Member


Steve Ison

11/27/2015 7:18:22 PM ---- Updated 11/27/2015 7:19:49 PM

Be Young n Sexy or Have A Story to Sell
Remember The music you make is always secondary to your sexuaL appeal or your human interest story..
Artistry n musical beauty/invention by itself don't matter a crap...People need to BUY INTO YOU AS A PERSON !!!

Your personality -Your tragic life made good n turned around..Your fucked up life mytholigized !!!.
SELL THEM something they can BUY INTO,,,

They live MEDIOCRE DULL 9-5 LIVES...

They HATE the dullness n predictability of their lives !!!..They want YOU to pretend you're Jack Kerouac..That you're FREE and untetherd (even tho you're not)

SELL THEM that fantasy...Make it convincing..They really want to be free -but they just don't have the courage to be

They're crushed by the shiteness of the world we all live in and the burden of having to make a living doing something they'd rather not be doing...You are too -but you're FREE ON THE INSIDE (At your best )..

Make that as convincing as you can !!!

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11/28/2015 5:12:53 AM ---- Updated 11/28/2015 5:24:46 AM

Holy Jesus. You're a fiercely intelligent fellow.
Wait, I've practiced this now...

I promise not to fall in love with you.
I promise not to fall in love with you....

I'm kidding. Just.

Well, no, I'm just a banana basically, but it's that very mechanism
which enables me to be that banana that can make banana split records....

Okay, so I'm reading this,

Well you know, I get it.

People, in general, do like the stories of the offbeat off the beaten path
sort of folks, because most don't go by 'those roads not taken'.
Most do the 'sensible thing' with their lives, because most were told to
do that by parents or spouses or those weird gnome statues
on lawns. Okay that last one's just me.

I almost should come with a disclaimer....
(perhaps several, one being 'don't try this at home, it can be difficult at the very least')

yeah I'm going for the 'well I am a heluva story alright'
because unless you're an old lady my young and sexy days
are pretty much in the rear view mirror by now....

the disclaimer being:

Well Yes, It Is Free, and it is Fun...

It's like, I can see it in your eyes, all of you,

and what a silly old sod I am, for it makes me love you all, all the more.

Someone. Someone not doing this crap damned thing you're supposed to.
Someone breaking formation.

Someone out of their fucking mind and appearing to be
fucking having the goddamned time of their life.

And, I kinda am.

I'm free as a motherfucker, this I know. I cultivated that.

So yeah, I'm happy to share pointers or whatnot with literally anybody
who plucks up the nerve and ask.

As I said in a recent song, don't ask me which one,
I can't keep up with me,

'what good is freedom if you never use it?'
was the basic gist of it.

Actually, I'm disabled. I can't work.
Physically somewhat disabled, couldn't do any heavy lifting,
as I have a hernia, and I'm not about to let anybody start cutting me up,
we'll file that against my religion and fuck off very much,

and mentally, it's already been ruled that I'm not mentally able
to even hold a bloody job. On account of I am wholly and absolutely
convinced, that God almighty wanted me to do absolutely not a thing
in the world, but make music. Yeah my wife loved that.
"Honey, I'm Holy...."

It was a battle for the ages.

She gave me a wonderful time about it.
Well not at first.
At first she gave me bloody hell.

For years. In public too, that was her fave.

Well, I ended up leaving her. For about a year and a half.

By the time she got me back, she decided "I'd better just let him be who he is".

Anyway, she died of cancer, and then I killed myself, nothing fancy.

Then they brought me back,
and I woke up thinking 'oh you gotta be fuckin' kidding me'....

and with the help of another Saint in my life, Sue, Van's best friend,
and yes by Saint I mean they're both dead now,
made it her mission in life to save my life and she was
the one to took me to Social Security.
And I only get a very humble check now.....humble is the right word,
I routinely starve half the month, but I keep making records.....

It's like, these great women gave their lives, so I could be able to do this.
I owe it to THEM not to fuckin' suck.

So, yes, I AM Free. And you're right, it's nice to be.

As long as I have my Zen on,
and can hack with living like a friggin' monk
and not even one with wine half the month or more,

then yes, I have this one freedom...

I fought all my life just to make music because I absolutely have
always believed that is what God had intended for me from word go,

and now I can.

So, it's not even just Saint Vanessa and Saint Susan.

I actually, truly, owe you all, all of you, every single solitary one of you
all around me now wondering 'my goodness what the fuck even IS it?'
good records, all the fucking time.Great records all the time, good won't even do.
I owe you all, great records, all the bloody time.
And I am honestly and earnestly, till it fucking literally hurts,
trying, to do this, for all of you. Everybody.

So you'll have good records to listen to.

Not like some of the crap out there fuckin' up a radio now.

Good records to listen to. Great records to listen to.
I don't care, I'll just say that.

Of course having said that, and here's where I've learned to taper it off before
I put everybody to sleep....

I believe one can be socially potent, and still have a bloody melody going on, I just do.
I keep adding to this. Sorry.

I grew up in the most magical time to grow up and have the best music,
I grew up with The BEATLES.

And Motown.

And Lesley Gore.

So, okay it's a challenge taking sounds which some think of as dated,
and insist there's life in this stuff yet. But I do it.

A lot of music of modern times has almost turned into a weapon.
Almost, my ass. Has.

I grew up with music with captivated me, beyond entertained me. That's what I go for.
Something really notable. Something you may not see again for quite some time.

Uh, We Have A Suggestion Box,

we do read it,

yes, I got the seventy five 'don't fall in love with everybody so much' memos, thank you.

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11/28/2015 5:31:23 AM


I'm gonna put this as a PS....

No Seriously...
You don't have to worry about me falling in love with you.
Well I already have a song called
"Steve I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend" by American Lesley Jane,
and it's even a catchy little bitch in plaid schoolgirl skirt and pressed white shirt,

but of course, now that I've answered a post of a Steve or two 'round here,
I probably don't dare put it out.

You'll all---all you Steves---will wonder if I mean you.

And I didn't, I wasn't even here at IMP when I made that record.

You shoulda seen the guy's face whom I did write that one for.
I showed up, at his work, a store.....fuck I hope I'm not what got him fired....
well I came dressed totally up like a girl... some make up, lipstick,
girl clothes,

what, you don't think American Lesley Jane has a girl outfit or two?

Well think again Ladies & Gentlemen.

Jeez, I'm a Professional Banana.

At least I have one friend,

well there's a talking banana here that isn't me, I've seen it.

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the perfect banana

11/28/2015 6:02:32 AM

Lesley, I'm not sure you have a story that will sell.

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11/28/2015 6:17:43 AM

Banana raises also an astute point.

Quite possibly not as long as I am alive.

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Hop On Pop

11/28/2015 6:18:39 AM ---- Updated 11/28/2015 6:19:41 AM

Smarmy, sarcastic post deleted.

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11/28/2015 6:19:16 AM

And Clunk said the other shoe dropping.

Dead, however, prospects open up immeasurably.
Everybody loves you when you're dead, until you try to talk to them.
John gave me that.

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11/28/2015 6:21:16 AM

And fuck it, go for broke, ain't got shite to lose...

the reason my story might not sell,
is because it's over practically everyone's head.

I don't mean anything by that,
perhaps I should apologize in advance...

I'm sorry I am so complex a musical genius and idiot in most other aspects
that I befuddle your thinking patterns, Ladies & Gentlemen.

Perhaps it is time to retire entirely from this game.

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Captain Confusion

11/28/2015 6:24:10 AM

Lesley, you're the only one here that doesn't befuddle me. Keep doing what you're doing, just wear a poncho when it rains.

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11/28/2015 6:25:26 AM

I don't mean retire from life entirely.

But if I get the idea that nobody's going to listen to records I release,
I may well one day decide to stop putting them out at all. Just keep 'em
to listen to all by myself, and I'd still enjoy them, but how sad for all of you.

Because am I a kit and kaboodle of complicated wiring that makes me me?

Do I yield music? Well yes, I do that as well.

I'm sorry, I missed the 'smarmy sarcastic' post, no idea what it said...

You may feel free to say what you wish to say, I'm good.

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11/28/2015 6:26:54 AM

Captain. Finally someone seems at all to get what I've been trying to say.
Bless you Sir. Thank you.

Actually Poncho while good advice is ironic,
I like actually dancing naked if it rains, so fuck 'em if they look. ~L

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Father Time

11/28/2015 6:35:31 AM

Lesley, I see your songs on the Station Mash page as much as anybody's.

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11/28/2015 6:39:18 AM

Oh Heavens, Scott.
I was not implying...

I know you appreciate my work...

you're over a few heads yourself quite possibly....

and if I'm over the heads of the masses at this point,
what am I gonna do? dumb down? Nah. To hell with it.

I'll make what records I wanna make.

Young and Sexy already flew the coop, leaving Old and Ornery
to mind the store,

so, I can have the chutzpah to say simply 'adore me, all of you'
as I did on a different post around here somewhere,

but if the world does not find me adorable, I'm off to amuse myself,
with little more than a mention of 'well I find you all boring as well, peace.'

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11/28/2015 6:56:44 AM

I'm sorry, I really am an idiot, I don't just play one on television.
Am I not supposed to call you Scott if you comment as Father Time?

I don't wish to annoy, you of all people for the love of God, Pot & Music.

And yes, I way appreciate being featured, and my way of viewing
the whole notion, is if I work hard enough and make a good enough
song, and a good enough record, it will command merit. Hopefully anyway.

But yes the banana with the wiseass sense of humor may be right.
And I'm still okay with me.

I may even put people off, I don't mean to, but I may, I realize that.

Maybe it's just that
you just can't make anybody happy so you may as well work
on being okay with you, that's what I suspect.

I have no complaints, Mr Time, you treat me well, Sir.

At this point, I would seriously injure idiots in the way
just so I could take a fucking bullet for you.

Man I do sound weird, I even notice it.

That's a statement oddly enough of enthusiasm,
but probably just sounds crazy...

like I'd take a bullet for you,
but I'd even knock motherfuckers out the way, send 'em flyin'
this way and that, to make SURE it was me who took the bullet.

It's odd sounding, I know,

but you did save my life appearing on the horizon when you did
asking me to join IMP....

I seriously consider leaving whatever of my music that's worth keeping around,
to you and Indie Music People when I finally do clock out, Sir.

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11/28/2015 6:59:51 AM

Well, yeah, good point brain....

You're a very friendly and fair to everyone kind of guy.

You're the guy everyone likes, I'm the guy that no one can make any sense
of, and I'm the guy if anyone here is, who'd get bloody shot to death.

And I'm even okay with that. Let's even get on with it if that's the next scene.

God sent me back and it's 'do whatever it is He wants till we're fucking DONE.'

Okay that's a morbid bunch of thought, that is....

I didn't start out having morbid thoughts,
I was simple and fairly pleasant...

the world did that to me.

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Bryon Tosoff

11/28/2015 7:55:52 AM

Steve Ison, the man kicks out some of the best tunes on the planet earth. and lays down something I have never seen him do before, indeed, be in "tune" with yourself and give the people a dream. Ison lays down the truth here and he is so absolutely right on the money, yet many artists and entertainers will never capture what Steve ison has, realness, a genuine perfect understanding of the heart of the matter , sell yourself, connect to the people, man what a fantastic revelation and truth he brings here and many of us do know this, some never will.

Recognizing others talents and listen to their children of song here.
lord knows i try do visit here and listen, I am a busy man , so are many of you, but quite frankly some of us could do better to support one another, in listening, caring about what others have to offer, in song, sharing their soul heart and mind. lets see if we can raise the level of our involvement here, a number really carry a load on their shoulders in stations, now that is not everything, but it is what sets this place apart from the other music sites, those stations, it is the key element and coolest thing about what IMP is all about, in conjunction with the opportunity to post here. And get to know one another, in a way, I personally have done a ton of collabs here. And learned a lot. my thanks to those who sacrifice to keep this wonderful place alive breathing,and maintain its soul through the sustenance of love and care and the finances to keep it afloat. Everyone wants to be noticed recognized. when they bring their children , songs here, but tough to do. I would like to see more of us, new artists show some kindness and interest and start building stations, but not just for yourself. maybe it will happen, we will see

I am on top of Lesley. er songs that is, I have added at least 3 or 4 to a few of my stations, and Beatlesex tunes as well. Not everyone here is going to be as into. you Lesley . as some. I listen, and care about what people do here. So not to worry Lesley Jane some of us got your back er,. I mean, know what you have to offer. Understand your talent and latent abilities. Only so much of the some of us who show up regularly and show some love to the 100000 plus artists that live here, some call it home, most drop in, take off and never return , it is impossible to be able to listen to everything, and support all, we all have different tastes. Thanks to those who listen, have and care for and update their stations and start new ones, and reach out to the new arrivals, invite new ones. Scott is taking the bull by the horns here and has breathed life into this place that was languishing for years, now it is becoming a place to be, he personally has raised the profile and visibility of IMP through all of his personal efforts and sacrifice. well done Scott

So perhaps the rest of us could jump aboard in more ways to assist and help out, a little donation here and there, so the shoulders of some who are carrying this place can have some relief.


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Shoe City Sound

11/28/2015 9:39:56 AM

Point well taken Steve! I am waaaaay past sex symbol, so no on that, and I have a really messed up past with plenty of sordid details, but since I was always the one trying to hold things together .. not much adventure there. And let's face it, in addition to vicariously craving the free spirit experiences of your favorite rock personality, there is that awful side of people loving to watch you self destruct while doing it. At this point, and with the type of stuff we do, I'm thinking maybe our selling point could hinge on mystery - you know just some electronica, hypnotic sounds coming at you from the spheres to lift you out of the ordinary to who knows where haha... it still markets a fantasy - you never know ...

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11/28/2015 10:01:31 AM

Oddly enough, when I first read this post, I thought it said 'story to tell'...
...it does say story to sell. Wouldn't waste time trying to sell my story.
Too many twists and turns... if all I did was channel Lennon and Harrison,
I'd probably have a sellable story, but as I'm more complex than simply that,

it becomes a headache, nevermind over a head or under it, it becomes a headache.

People already have enough headaches.

Besides nobody really wants a real person as a myth,
they want the myth to convincingly present itself as a real person.

And that crap bores the hell out of me.

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Steve Ison

12/2/2015 2:13:33 PM ---- Updated 12/2/2015 3:24:16 PM

Gotta say i was drunk when i made that post -coming back from a shit gig with my band The Strangest Feeling-where we played our hearts out to a load of people who basically just ignored us playing our originals set like we didn't exist - then came out in droves for the house music DJ with the moronic 'fuck beat' they all love lol..

The post was meant to be acidic n ironic..I pride myself on writing quality creative songs.Its the craft i've spent a lifetime lovingly developing ..The awareness that the particular skill seems to mean absoloutly nothing to 99.99% in this brave new world sometimes hurts -but i'm pragmatic n realistic to know what the masses actually 'want' -hence that post..

Do i need people to be 'young n sexy' or 'have a story to sell' to like their music ?
Not at all
The music by itself is enough for me..Probably most of you here too
But we're musicians n artists
Wish there were more people who liked 'music for musics sake' -but that's not the world we live in any more

Most average non-musician listeners want different things that have nothing at all to do with music

The 'fun' 'cheeky' personality that comes over well on TV (will.i.am Robbie Williams)
The 'Loveable' personality with diary-confessional sentimental lyrics (Ed Sheeran plus many many more)
The f+cked up outsider (Ryan Adams plus many more)

People live shallow, frightened,surface existences..
Homo Consumeous..
The live vicariously thru famous people n adverts offering them fantasy lives
They don't know themselves at all..They have no 'centre' -no inner life - and seemingly no desire for one eiher.......They get sold their 'personalities thru advertisers clever psychological marketing..
They're easy prey..

Would you like something 'real' and 'authentic' in this fake American Idol world Sir ? Try some Seasick Steve !

I know you're a small-minded,utterly self-centred,gossip n fashion preening imbecile madam..But would you like to add some 'cool' posy,snotty bitchiness to your resume ? Try The Pussycat Dolls "Don't you wish your girlfriend was HOT like me !'

Hey Frat boys ! Get fucked up ! Nirvana were just the warm -up act..Here come the REAL DEAL to drink 30 buds. punch the air to...NICKLEBACK !!!!

Lesley Jane....Good on you for finding a way to do your music full-time man n being yourself here....
Its beautiful n brave to be a non-conformist outsider in this world..
The enemy of true artistry is 'normality' imo..Thats just 'conformity' wearing its smiley social mask..

and what use is conformity n normality to creativity anyway ?
Surely you have to see the world in your own unique way to some extent to even BE an artist..
That's the whole point..
If you don't,you're just another marketeering corporate chancer with nothing original to offer..and like the world dosn't have enough of those already !

Too many modern popsters seem frighteningly normal n conservative tho -Thats one reason popular music's generally so predictable n bland nowadays imo..

The U.S seems an incredibly scary place to me..They want n expect you to work 50-60 hours a week doing something you hate just to pay the rent n be able to eat...

No thanx

I'm sooooo grateful i was able to live unemployed for so long,having time to work on my music...
Living off 'benefits' - and happy to do it...I know that makes me the scum of the earth in most decent U.S folks eyes -but so be it..

The UK produced The Beatles,The Stones,The Who and The Kinks from people slumming it at Art College..And The Clash,The Jam,The Smiths n many many more from bands 'scrounging' off the dole n having time to develop their art

Good for them -I'm very grateful they did..

Bryon..Thanx so much for the kind words my friend..I'm very grateful for your support - and i can tell you your reviews n generous-spirited thoughts've lifted my spirits on many an occasion when i've felt down..
Agree with you with your ideas about 'Stations' here too

Nice one :)

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Bryon Tosoff

12/2/2015 3:17:51 PM

thx Steve, so much wonderful amazing talented people here with good hearts and make music for the sheer joy and enjoyment of it. continue your good works


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