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Steve Ison
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Steve Ison

1/16/2010 8:04:09 AM

Somebody Loves You Too
A recent performance of a song i've written recorded by my girlfriends phone at her open mic night..

The 2nd verse wouldn't have any lyrics 'cos i'd want that to be instrumental-thats why i'm singing the same verse again lol..
Thats the weird thing with most of my songs.They're designed in my head to be records not really just solo acoustic performances..If i ever get round to recording it,i'd want this to have drums and a kinda rock backing too with electric..Dunno if that'd come across with this performance tho...

I really admire great acoustic performers who can make something sound incredible with just a solo guitar and voice-but there's also limitations with that style too..

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Hop On Pop

1/16/2010 8:54:51 AM ---- Updated 1/16/2010 8:55:57 AM

I think that it's a wonderful performance, Steve. And it's great to actually see you playing... I think that you're an excellent solo/acoustic performer. And yes, your songs do stand up to that treatment.

Thanks for posting this!

Oh, and if you wanna do the full-band treatment for this, go for it. I'd be curious to hear what it would sound like. (Of course, I have my own arrangement suggestions, but I'll keep my mouth shut, because I wanna hear what YOU hear.)

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Steve Ison

1/16/2010 10:14:42 AM

Cheers Todd-Glad you enjoyed it mate :)

I'm curious to hear any arrangement suggestions you'd have...I'm not precious about hearing suggestions.Its cool if you've taken the time to hear something

I 'll play any suggestions you care to offer thru in my internal mp3 player lol...Maybe i'll incorporate some of them ;)

I'd have it starting off with the acoustic riff twice-Full band kicking in with the electric doing the main dumb riff twice-then into the song with a distorted electric strummed just once on each chord change with the bass strings ala T.Rex...Bass pumping full-tilt boogie to give it power
Chorus- loads of reverb on the voice and full ringing power chords..Giving way to a dry vocal sound for the 'somebody loves you too'
Instrumental have a trumpet or chordy lead playing the main vocal line with strings over the fast chord changes
Something like that...:)

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Bob Rylett

1/16/2010 10:36:46 AM

i completely agree with this . A great song translates with just melody

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1/16/2010 2:23:29 PM

Nice Gig Steve!

Like the hat!!!

(You sound a bit like Donovan)

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Tao Jones

1/16/2010 6:16:56 PM

That was somewhat mind blowing...

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Vincenzo Pandolfi

1/17/2010 4:34:09 AM

Good stuff Steve,

I think the song is great just on the guitar. You know I saw Elton John on one of his tours down under...Just himself and the piano!! His music did not need anything else. Keep this up, I wish I did not feel too old to perform live..my brain lets me down sometimes...



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1/17/2010 9:35:43 AM

nice to see you steve!

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Lars Mars

1/17/2010 12:07:14 PM

It came out great Steve, but I'm sure I'll like the full treatment even more. There's something about a full band that fills out a song for me.
What was unusual to me was that I swore I heard a harmony (instrumental once, vocal another) just into the hook... each time!
I don't know if it was my imagination or if your girlfriend was singing or someone nearby picked up on it, but it really came as a surprise...

And Larree, my solo chops can ruin the best song I've ever written, so it's not always the song... that's why I'm bandish. Aside from the fun, it always comes out better than what I had in my head.


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Hop On Pop

1/18/2010 7:43:33 AM

It's funny because I was thinking sort of the opposite...
drums with brushes
upright bass
but maybe an electric guitar solo just to throw the whole thing on its ear.

Haven't thought through more details than that, but that is what I was kinda hearing while listening the first couple of times.

Of course, I would love to hear the full-tilt boogie treatment!

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Steve Ison

1/19/2010 10:02:16 AM ---- Updated 1/19/2010 10:27:27 AM

Many thanks folks for listening/watching and your comments-Appreciated :)

Todd...Thats a nice idea-kinda nightclub vibe you're getting at-I definitely want something heavier i think tho..

Larree/Bob Rylett...That 'its all about the melody' line is just too simplistic and a cliche..I write totally on either guitar or piano first but i still don't believe that...
I know exactly which songs go down best for live acoustic from doing loads of open mics-simple,straightforward with a strong repetitive hook..Good time/drunken singalong stuff..Little else,really..

Fancy chord changes and any complexity at all get you nowhere-People don't have the space or time to appreciate it there like they can at home in their own personal space...Acoustic solo's a genre which suits certain kind of songs/performers and dosn't suit others..Songs that have an ethereal vibe and space need production to bring those qualities out for instance..
.I love my track Sailingboat-its got alot of natural 'space',but know it would be shit live with just acoustic..No one would get the vibe of that like they can with it produced..

Imagine if you'd never heard Bohemian Rhapsody before and someone played it just acoustic solo live-you'd prob think it was total garbage..
Does that make it a crap song?
Obviously not...

Performance skill, vocal prowess and your confidence and qualities as an 'entertainer' are much bigger factors in what grabs a live audience than any songwriting skill or the quality of the song at scource you're doing..I've seen enough open mics to suss that out at least..

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Steve Ison

1/19/2010 10:23:49 AM ---- Updated 1/19/2010 10:29:45 AM

Its like saying a great film is only one you could tell the story to someone with and have then enraptured...
Production accentuates and amplifies the drama inherent in a song..Draws out the atmosphere...Anyone who produces their music with some degree of sensitivity knows this..There's so much more room for subtlety of expression-different bits of important information for making it work..So many songs you can't say it all with just an acoustic and voice imo..

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The Man With No Band

1/20/2010 10:20:24 AM

"I really admire great acoustic performers who can make something sound incredible with just a solo guitar and voice-but there's also limitations with that style too.."

"So many songs you can't say it all with just an acoustic and voice imo.."

I'd agree with those two statements to a degree ... but IMO it has a lot to do with the listener ... I like hearing a voice and a simple guitar ... but that's just the base ... There is this HUGE orchestra of sounds in my head that allows me to hear what's not there ... just the way I want ... Doesn't everyone hear this way ?

enjoyed the Vid ... Great to see you performing Steve !

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Steve Ison

1/20/2010 10:40:13 AM

Thanks Sam:)

I love hearing songs with just a guitar and vocalist too-and yeh it has alot to with the listener..
I've been to open mics where people have been playing GREAT songs but the audience isn't very interested...Either they're too complex or the singer dosn't have the required pizzazz to put their stuff across..I'm interested in creative song-writing and have a keen ear and appreciation for cool chord changes and interesting vibes-Its one of the main things that interests me....Alot of people don't listen that way tho i know..

I don't think everyone hears music that way at all...Like you-i can always hear a song in my head with the production i want and always have,but i've spoken to a few songwriters who can't imagine their songs that way at all

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Black Velvet Lace

1/21/2010 12:02:25 PM

Steve you are really good, I love to watch performers, and your performance was great.


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