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Don Siemens
Views for this Topic: 397

8/30/2007 12:49:49 PM

8/9/2007 10:44:41 AM


Basic (free) Member


Don Siemens

8/9/2007 10:44:41 AM

ok, say you make # one in your genre, then what?...are there lots of public listening to this site, or is there only other performing artists...and how does this translate to earning $...also how does anyone find you if you are eventually bumped out of the latest new top 50 artists?

please excuse my ignorance, I just would like to know

Don Siemens

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8/9/2007 11:14:43 AM

First off, the best place to go with site questions is the support hotline at iacsupporthotline@gmail.com.

Yes there's a lot of non-artist listeners here and some of them manage some of the most popular stations at IAC.

How does it translate to earning money? Well the more your music gets exposed, the more chance you will pick up fans that want to buy your songs or CD.

There are many places your music can be found at IAC, and there are a lot of listeners who go all over the site to find songs they haven't heard. But stations are probably THE KEY to getting exposure here. Circulate and get involved in the community and as you get added to more stations you'll notice more and more people are listening to you.

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