Conversation Suicide
8/24/2007 2:10:33 AM
Delusions of Grandeur and seeing if switching to PRIME status makes a difference on IAC...
Greetings and much love for the Original Music Scene, FROM Tucson, AZ (in USA). My name's Phlegm, Lead Singer/Songwriter & Bass Player of CONVERSATION SUICIDE. Anybody else out there in music land who's tryin' to "GET NOTICED", GET overwhelmed by ALL that is required for that astronomically unlikely event? Yeah. Us to. Our band got into IAC because of an internet article that said they were a music distribution site that received kudos from ROLLING STONE as one of the best NEW sites, with a focus on INDEPENDENT Artists that were as yet "unsigned" to major labels/distribution companies. Uh... We're still trying to find out if that will hold true. But, it's DEFINITELY got a GREAT look and the STATION feature has loads of potential. Anyhoo, we made the decision to go to PRIME status on IAC, because PERPETUAL PRIME seemed to make sense, with a feeling of being on the ground floor of a new movement in INDEPENDENT Musicians Discovery. SO we will now be doing a psychological experiment to see if it actually makes a difference. Almost ALL of the Distribution/Music Community sites out there have some type of "pay to play" kind of deal, even though the basic setup is free on most of the good ones. So, It's quite awesome that IAC is doing this current offer. The saddest part of attempts at making great ART always comes down to the economic factor; if more of the sites out there available had PERPETUAL options, it would open things up to the many TALENTED but POOR unknowns out there. Of course we like to think of ourselves as falling into BOTH of those categories. I guess what I'm trying to say is, IF IAC really takes off, like it seems to be doing, NOW is definitely the time to GO PRIME & do it with PERPETUAL status. NOT a commercial for IACMUSIC--just thinking out LOUD as part of this experimental process.
But here's the rub, you've still gotta either pay somebody else to do all the updates, uploads, BLOGS, etc. OR do it yourself-- 'cause as many of the IAC newsletters often harp on, nothing is going to DROP out of the sky into your lovely lyrical lap. SO... with TIME & energy a constant challenge, i.e., while still growing as a Musician/Song Writer/Lyricist/Performer, one HAS to balance day/night job, practice, performance,recording/product art & merchandise ideas/realities, as well as multiple distribution channels & promotion, and MORE. AND still evolve musically and come out with NEW music/ideas all the time. Not to mention--- IAC listeners and viewers (one example in this eccentric experiment of ours) are MOSTLY in other STATES/COUNTRIES. With our band's environmental/family & economic limitations at this time, it'll be awhile before anybody that DOES happen to stumble upon us through our own MASSIVE amounts of effort (burning the candle at both ends, as it were) in self-promoting via the INTERNET and similar avenues, ACTUALLY would have the opportunity to SEE us live. SIGH. I almost wish I could just accept the belief my parents have that I'm a delusional fool pursuing a silly hobbie sometimes. I KNOW this much--it's SO important to keep focus on LOCAL SCENE blitzing as FIRST priority ALWAYS, while continuing to on a SMALLER scale try and achieve exposure through NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL pursuits (thanks to Internet, etc.). 'Cause THEN, once TRULY successful locally, one SHOULD have a better chance at impacting the WORLD. (see what I said? -- DELUSIONAL or at least delusions of grandeur!)
SO, here's the ONE thing that few of the music scene Experts EVER talk about. Just like somebody famous once said: "Don't Dream it -- BE IT" (from Rocky Horror Picture Show). If you keep improving musically, as a writer, player, perfomer, and genuinely pleasant human being in relation to fans, friends, family and the powers that be in YOUR particular sphere's of influence locally & abroad, SOMETHING is going to eventually TAKE flight! Just through sheer VOLUME of quality songs, fans & relationships that should
8/24/2007 2:51:16 AM
well, we like to say around here that you get out of indie music what you put into it.
the ultimate idea is that if you have a great group of artists like exist here, and many of them get involved, and everybody has their glow on, with an aim that's true, a chemical reaction will happen that will change the climate. Critical mass will be reached and the cream will rise to the top, turn the whole thang inside out, and rightfully so..
Supporting IAC shouldn't be a hard idea to embrace, because all you need to do is open your eyes and ears and you'll see that a site created by artists for artists to reflect the creativity OF artists is simply different than all the rest of the cookie-cutter prefab-template internet places of business that exist elsewhere. Music and art eminate from the soul, are not just data on a page, this cannot, will not ever be a herd of pages that look the same. Not here. There is a great commitment to injecting as much quality as possible into IAC. This ain't a hobby horse, it's a driven desire for the greatest artists in the world to get their due, finally. When the world properly notices this, the whole paradigm is a gonna shift, shake and tremble - and eventually explode.
But it's not about dreamin' and it's not about just putting your music on another site and hoping shit happens. It's about living it, It's about everybody who has the glow cutting loose and throwing their kayak into the water til the foam is shinin' and you start to feel the momentum of all the boats around you moving towards a new destiny til you don't even have to paddle anymore but you do because you want to.
The Man With No Band
8/24/2007 3:29:18 AM
Very well put F.T. I believe you and I believe in IAC and all it truly stands for.
It isn't about dreamin' but it is about livin'a dream for me ..... never did I imagine meeting so many nice people and sharing music and ideas was a possibility in my lifetime ... and this site has to be about a dream that You and Dave and whoever else is involved envisioned.
What I loved about this post was ...
"HERE's the BEST part of this BLOG! WHO the F**K CARES? If you find JOY/LOVE/PASSION/FULLFILLMENT through pursuing your own personal or GROUP "DELUSION", and you're NOT harming anyone HORRIBLY in the PROCESS, than you've ALREADY freaking MADE IT!"
To me that says it all ... Collectively this site is a driving force .... but in order to join the mass, One has to be there as an individual first ... Listening to your own calling and desires despite what others are telling you ... and in the end when you realise even if you do wind up as a washout, as far as making a living from your music, you have already made it because you have chosen to be an individual, following what makes you happy and gives you fullfillment.
I will say this .... if you are following a musical (dream) or life ...
There is NO better place on earth to be at right now than at IAC ... and it's getting better every day !
9/2/2007 2:32:10 AM
You keep your music REAL and your attitude like it is here and you'll be successful.
TRUST ME. Don't worry, Man... You're not the only dillusional retard on here. I am so nuts that I think I can change the music industry with the way my Indie record label does business. Damned if I don't give it my best shot, however, because I am so passionate (some call me insane) about what I am trying to do that when the naysayers attempt to derail me they are actually inspiring me to push harder. They just don't realize it.
You should check out Product Recall from the UK... they are here at IAC and I am about to do their record in a couple of weeks. They share your philosophy and some of your sound. You might dig them.
I have added to to one of my stations (Wizard X FMII) that streams out to the rest of the planet. See if you get some hits on me... I bet you do...
Adding yourself to Prime and writing here was a GREAT thing to do Phlegm. I found you. Not that I am anything special, but allied together we CAN make an impact. In the least, we BOTH go down in flames of glory on the offensive.... THAT's a Helluva lot more fun than sitting around doing NOTHING and waiting for the bombs to drop on us ....
Wizard X