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Holo Lukaloa
3/22/2016 2:38:36 PM
the media is partially to blame for the lousy state of politics
There is supposed to be an equal time rule but Trump gets rock star exposure while most of the others are treated like indies.
3/23/2016 10:29:13 AM
That's because Trump is a rock star. And he knows how to use the media much better than those lowly politicians. Don't be afraid of Trump, junior. Everything will be alright.
Two Silo Complex
3/23/2016 11:12:26 AM
Media is a business and because Trump is controversial he gets greater attention.
Look at Jerry Springer his first attempt of a show was a miserable rating failure when he covered real topics but when he started the who's your baby daddy and controversial subjects the ratings took off.
Like they say nothing attracts a crowd quite like a crowd. Its sad that we care more about how much attention one can gather rather than how the election will actually possibly change the world.
If Trump is elected forget about ISIS the rest of the world will not take this choice well.
In my opinion.
3/31/2016 8:25:53 AM
The media is to blame? Arguable.
One could reference the fact,
that it's more all of us;
and it's not that I'm crazy about the guy,
because this latest thing, about 'women who seek abortion should be punished'...
that's so far over the line it isn't funny.
But Trump just sank the Game Ball,
and I wonder how many people even noticed.
Trump is GOING To Nuke The Crap Out Of ISIS
and anybody standing next to 'em.
It's gonna make Hiroshima look like...
well, like Holo just coined the phrase,
an "Indie" warm-up act.
And that, will get Trump elected.
Oh sure, he's also playing to every loser guy who ever got
told 'no' by a woman. Because to make abortion a crime,
is basically making women slaves, but the men who respond
and support that, they're fine with that. They're all, like, 'bring it on,
and get me a beer while you're near the fridge, bitch!'
But the thing that nails it home for Trump,
whether we like it or dislike it or even happen to be indifferent
(which I don't see as even possible)
is that,
by now, everyone's had it with ISIS,
and I think ISIS knew that from the start,
I think they were too much wimp to just
all go out in the desert and commit suicide together,
where they wouldn't hurt anyone else.
No, these vermin had to get so messed up, so evil,
that God Almighty will literally have to invent New Hells to file them in.
ISIS set out to commit 'suicide by world' and by golly, it's gonna
work like a charm.
Might take us all with it, but it's gonna happen.
And me? I'm just the person in the room,
who read the menu.
"Hey, did you know we're having THIS for supper? Well we are!"
Okay, there will be a moment of silence,
followed by a gleeful gloating from our resident Male Chauvinist Larree....
Oh incidentally, Larree,
there seem to be some newcomers here....
Really mouthy bunch, had some lovely words for me,
thankfully Bluto deleted that entire post,
thank you for that Bluto...
Share a nice dish o' taters with ya sometime for that.
So to speak. We can actually each have our own, that'll probably be better.
Have you seen these guys?
I don't know what's their deal...
call themselves 'the complete dicks' of all things.
ain't got a one song for....
all the... what's the word....
bravado? machismo?
I've never been told by a band to blow them all. Never happened.
You wouldn't even know, because it got deleted.
I'm still in shock.
I really don't appear that damned easy do I?
Anyone but you, Larree.
You don't get to answer that one,
there's too many personal snags to muddlef*** that one.
Just my luck these newcomer 'dicks' will be
made of the same thunderf*** material Trump is.
We're all doomed for sure.
Junior, I hope ya got a girlfriend,
and if ya don't,
ya might wanna quit pipelining and get to finding one,
and get it wet while ya still can, My Son.
'cause it darn well may be later than we think.
complete dicks, Jesus.
I hope they SUCK.
3/31/2016 8:28:04 AM
Yeah, have you seen their page, Larree?
I'm sure you guys will be best buds for sure. Right up your alley.
3/31/2016 8:32:29 AM
Lesley can you go a day on the pipeline without talk of blowing people? ^D
I didn't delete that thread, Larree did. and thanks, Larree.
3/31/2016 8:41:01 AM
Okay Bluto, way to erase the 'warm and fuzzy'.
I have no desire to blow anyone, Blut.
Dream On.
And you are a typical male chauvinist,
for it was a bunch of male hooligans telling me to do that.
And you wanna make it sound like my idea.
You're a male chauvinist, and you quickly squander even a compliment
or a thank you, way to go. Make me wish Popeye were here.
Go to the mirror, and punch yourself in the face, Bluto.
Twice. Get back to me.
3/31/2016 8:41:45 AM
No problem, Bluto. You're very welcome.
3/31/2016 8:43:05 AM
and another county heard from.
yeah, I can see it all now. f***, he's probably one of them.
3/31/2016 8:50:55 AM
Why are you trying to start in with me again, ALJ? I have not said one word to you or about you. Buzz off.
3/31/2016 10:49:43 AM
I guess I'm used to you starting in with me.
Plus I just made a supposition that you are one of them.
those 'complete dicks' guys.
though they don't have any records,
and you at least finally put up videos of some of your songs,
which is to your credit in all fairness.
anyway, I'm also generally grumblef*** around you
'cause this nozzlenork Trump might get elected,
on account of everybody and their sister's elbow
wants to see ISIS wiped out completely,
and he's nuts enough to break out the Nukey Nukeys.
That's about it.
Oh and the generally not being impressed
with your male chauvinistic attitudes....
but these dick guys make you look tame.
That was your thread so you deleted it,
so you saw what they said to me.
So I owe ---ironically---YOU the thanks for deleting it.
Yet Bluto tries to blame me, and then you two are all buddy buddy.
I'm avoiding this post now, I might lose my lunch.
Bluto goes out of his way to be a bigger prick towards me than you do.
So really, there's that to consider to.
I think, once, I ever saw Bluto actually stick up for me.
Usually, he blames it on me.
This is typical male b.s.
like when a guy blames a girl for being raped,
'cause 'she asked for it' or somesuch nonsense,
'was dressed too provocatively'
grow a clue and some self control.
stop blaming the victim.
all women should unite and refuse to give men any sex,
and then shoot them when they try to force the issue.
That's my opinion. May be wrong, may be right.
I suppose that'll get this deleted, is that it?
It's a man's world,
but I'm a reincarnated woman. And I'm not in a great mood.
But getting back to the subject line here,
the media are the salesmen, the middle-man, if you will...
there's still a world full of idiots consuming this sort of thing.
and a ton of men who really should know better,
but do the wrong thing anyway.
We're not your damned property.
3/31/2016 11:12:47 AM
You're acting persecuted. I blamed all of you equally. And I challenged all of you to express yourself in a way that doesn't use terms that can be used as examples of why the pipeline is a terrible place.
3/31/2016 11:14:25 AM
"It's a man's world,
but I'm a reincarnated woman. And I'm not in a great mood."
So... you're on your period?
3/31/2016 11:17:29 AM
Oh, come on Bluto. The pipeline is not a terrible place at all. Most of the threads are very safe. And I didn't see your post before I posted mine. I spent a few minutes thinking about posting it or deleting it. But I decided to post. In the pre-PC world you know it would have rocked. :D
3/31/2016 11:17:39 AM
---- Updated 3/31/2016 11:18:49 AM
Oh, come on Bluto. The pipeline is not a terrible place at all. Most of the threads are very safe. And I didn't see your post before I posted mine. I spent a few minutes thinking about posting it or deleting it. But I decided to post. In the pre-PC world you know it would have rocked. :D
...Ahh, the old freeze up and double post trick again!
Bob Elliott
3/31/2016 4:26:23 PM
But the real issue is the very racist 20 % of the country that supports him. Without that crowd existing, the media could do nothing for Trump. He, to me, is a window into racism that I already knew was there, but he just makes it difficult to deny as he is like a spotlight on something about the republican base that the Republican Party likes to generally herd with dog whistles. He's not using a secret call like that, he's saying it loud and proud.
But it's no surprise to me they are out there. They've been there all through our history, and there used to be a bigger percentage.
His support also is not well educated (all polls show this fact), and so he also shows that if you do not work at getting smarter, you will be easy to fool.
Media covers him, but can you blame them? A presidential candidate saying the shit he says is something media is gonna have to cover. It's news.
Not good news, but news. News to keep an eye on.
3/31/2016 8:02:57 PM
I like Trump and I think it is ridiculous to be so prejudiced towards his supporters.
3/31/2016 8:10:50 PM
There is nothing racist about wanting immigration to be done legally and wanting to vet refugees from the Middle East to make sure we are not getting any terrorists who have already said that they intend to use the refugee situation to cover their movements. Calling that racism or bigotry is short-sighted and stupid.
Holo Lukaloa
3/31/2016 9:11:00 PM
What about his reaction to having David Duke as a supporter?
3/31/2016 10:42:54 PM
David Duke probably did that for Hillary.
4/1/2016 3:46:47 AM
Tried to stay away from this but I felt a rant coming so here it goes..........
Ducks quack! That is one way I know it is a Duck. I also can tell by the fact that there are other Ducks hanging out with them. Then there is the huge V in the sky where I see them all blindly following each other to some destination that was ordained for them to fly to so long ago. It is their instinct to do what they do. I mean, they are Ducks. Such is the way of the animal kingdom. The Ducks in the sky, the herds roaming the plains, the fish swimming in schools. They are headed towards their own collective purpose in life while fulfilling their individual needs to mate, nest and raise their young to fly off behind their own herd of ducks. Sort of like that thing called the pursuits of happiness in the human world.
But human's? We have this thing called choice. We have been known to follow the wrong herd of humans. History has proven that some of the biggest and most powerful herds followed the wrong people towards evil undertakings, mischief and at times even genocide. Making mistakes is about the most blatant example of what being a human is all about. One of the great mistakes we can make is to be so caught up in following our chosen herd that we don't see the cliff in the distance. There may be other animals trying to warn us. The Eagle may be flying overhead saying "Hey! there's a cliff up ahead" but we just keep following the ass that is in front of us and we don't hear the calls of danger. Danger? Now there's a word that so many ignore. Even when all the signs are there we ignore or we double down on our ignorance just because we have to be right. It is also very human to have that need to be right about something. At times being right about anything will do. How could we be wrong when everyone else is following the same path that we are going? Is it possible that the herd is heading down a dangerous path? Well, I believe that anything is possible. Instead of blindly following a herd, I prefer to consult those who have been down the path before. I prefer to ask them what we should expect. Then, I ask others who have seen it from other perspectives as one persons cliff may be another's launching pad.
So what the Hell am I talking about? I am talking about the truth about Ducks. They do what they do because they are Ducks. Just as racists say and do what they say and do. Usually it's because they are racists. They follow other racists towards racist goals. Is Trump a racist? Hell, I don't know. I only know that a lot of what he says sounds very racist to me. Is Hillary a liar? Hell, I don't know. I just know that a lot of what she says doesn't seem very true. When I look towards that great election in the sky I have to ask myself, which flock of Ducks I will follow. The flock that looks Lilly White and sounds like racists or the flock that looks kind of shady and filled with untruths. Why do elections for me always wind up being a choice for the lesser evil rather than a choice for the greater good?
The division that has infected this country is basically unsolvable. I believe that civil war will happen not too far in the future. The South will secede (like Texas keeps trying to do) and another epic battle will destroy this great nation. The Rich will divvy up the spoils and the poor assholes who gave their lives for the lies they were told will reap more pain and hardship. But even in the pit of their own hell, they will find someone else to blame for what they did to themselves. Our enemies will waltz right on in and take over because our division and calamity will weaken us to the point of surrender. Even then, we will point fingers at each other as we are led away in ideological chains.
4/1/2016 3:48:07 AM
I think we all need to wake up and stop blindly following the herds. We need to examine the evidence and perceive the truth that is right in our faces. We need to stop the name calling and petty indifference towards those who have opposing opinions. Maybe then we can all see the real truth and not some truth we saw in the biased news outlets or silly propagandized websites that we immediately post links to when someone else has a differing thought or belief. I read the books but that doesn't mean I believe everything that they write. I see the reports, the polls, the articles, interviews and on and on it goes. I study the Left and I study the Right. I calculate the costs of my support and I make an educated decision about who will get my vote. That is all any of us should be doing. Informing ourselves and making our individual votes count according to our own conscience. All this arguing, bickering, name calling and conflict is ridiculous and childish. Do what you need to do for you. But just because someone else sees it different doesn't mean they are stupid or racist. It only means they have chosen the herd they want to follow. That is their God given right!
I am not a Duck. Neither should you be. Stop for a minute and really listen to what is being said. Just because someone is politically correct doesn't mean they are not racist. Just because someone says whatever is on his mind doesn't mean he is not a liar. The truth will be revealed in time. The day will come when the grownups will have to start acting like grownups and not tit for tat school children. Or, we can keep down this road of division. We can keep protesting and hitting each other from behind like cowards. We can keep rioting and torching police cars. We can keep blaming everybody but ourselves for the conditions we live in. We can keep making others the scapegoats for our failing economies or our joblessness. We can build walls of protection and say it has nothing to do with race but is all about security. We can continue to lock everyone up who looks a certain way and act like it is their own fault. We can keep making stupid decisions while we label everyone else stupid. We are human's and we get to choose individually and collectively which way we want to go.
One of the things I say a lot is that PEOPLE EVERYWHERE SUCK! Not just Black or White, Jews Or Gentiles, rich or poor. People everywhere suck. I have been around the world 3 times. I am telling you that everywhere I went there were people that just plain sucked. That is a truth that must be recognized. However, I also came across some beautiful people who didn't suck as bad as others.There was a time when I really sucked. Drug addiction, PTSD, gangs, violence and hatred were my excuses for being such a suck head. But something marvelous happened to me along the way. It is almost as if I was on a road called straight and encountered a burning bush. In an instant, I was changed for eternity. Now? I still have some issues I am working out but I am so much better than what I was before. I found a much better herd to follow and my leader is known through out the world as a giving healer who is merciful and kind. Because of him. I'm not so bad. I made a choice and I think it was for the better. This is what we all must do. But be sure that the herd you follow is not leading you to a cliff. Be aware that right and wrong are also choices we must make and that sometimes we may be wrong. Part of being human is making mistakes and learning to live with them. But don't ever be like the Ducks, the fish or the herds on the plains. Find the real truth and learn to live with the fact that people everywhere suck. Even the people or person that you call your hero is a zero to someone else. That is because of the fact that he or she sucks. But, one may suck a little less than the other. I wish I could invent a suckometer so we could measure the suckiness of the candidates.
Okay, rant over. You may now go back to your ideological fist fights that (in my opinion) really suck. This was not meant to one side over the other. It is my hope that you all will stop for a minute and listen to the voices overhead. They may prevent you from heading towards disaster.
4/1/2016 8:01:59 AM
Jesus, you are one of the most lucid cats I have ever known.
Thank you Stone, for venturing into these duck infested waters...
I do see some parallels.... tween where I'm at, and where you recount being...
I was on a bad herd path,
stuck in decades of getting high...
I know it works for some folks, may make all the difference in the world,
and I by no means begrudge anyone what they need to survive.
But I'd known I was while seeming to benefit on the one hand,
being trapped in a bubble of awesome mediocrity on the other hand.
Then God dropped me on my head, twice,
with a scientific accuracy which was frightening to behold.
Same spot, twice, yes I was skunk as a drunk and vice versa,
all the more reason it was amazing. I was nearly blinded,
and I was seriously concerned my vision would not re-align.
(I was seeing cross-eyed cock-eyed for many days)
In the midst of this, I realized,
"This is God's warning to me, and I really don't want
to hear Him raise His voice louder than this."
Then, I felt ---yeah, I'm saying this, you believe me, you don't, whatever---
God kindly and quietly speak to my soul,
"You are correct. This is a warning, and good move realizing,
you don't wanna hear another one, 'cause that will land your ass
in a hospital to say the least. The Good News is,
if you stay on the path this time, everything will work out
as it was always meant to."
It's been, I think going on four months, clean and sober.
For me, that's an eternity.
I kind of don't miss it.
I definitely don't miss being trapped in a bubble of awesome mediocrity.
I sort of miss the 'fun feeling' it was, because it was,
and I see now, for the most part, it was the most fun I ever had
now since my wife died.
The one remaining fun I DO have now,
is making records. Even more than listening to 'em.
I love makin' 'em.
I used to get high and listen to 'em.
Now I just listen to 'em while I'm makin' 'em,
to make sure they're as good as they can be,
because by now, I realize,
it's not about me. It's about, articulate whatever it is I feel at that moment,
and maybe it helps someone else sort themselves out.
That's in my opinion, why artists exist,
to be that eagle, flying ahead,
yelling down,
"Hey you stupid ducks, you do know there's this big HYUUGGE cliff there, right?"
This is not to present any prejudice of ducks, stupid or otherwise.
You quacking stupid bastards.
Nor is it to imply any 'side' of the polidiot spectrum as somehow
'better' than another, since, let's face it,
you nailed it as usual, Stone,
and it ain't just you, I think that sums up my view,
maybe a lot of people's view,
'how come it always seems to come down
to a choice of the lesser evil, instead of the greater good?'
probably because the Greater Good can't last ten minutes
in the Grand Cesspool of Politics.
And then it's Flying Duck time again,
and the elections just get more and more, uh, ducked up.
I made a record about Trump,
"On A Wave Of Bigots Rides Donald Trump" by American Lesley Jane....
I'd prior to that actually made one or two believe it or not in his favor,
in the beginning, I admit, being taken in a bit by his charisma.
Charisma exists, and it's how Hitler rose to power.
In my case, I pay attention, and it wasn't long before I realize,
'hey, this idiot is beyond average quackitude, he's actually dangerous'.
And just saying that, of course brings ridicule from the predictable
directions, causing me to ponder, 'what other ways might I issue
the Grand Quack Warning to all these stupid f-ing ducks?'
And I continue to ponder...
"would they hear it, if I could somehow show them how
stupid all that quacking really sounds?"
Maybe not.
So I utter a wise-quack or two, and go on my way.
We may all be ducked, royally.
And this may be why some people feel these are actually the End Times,
and that God Almighty Will Soon Issue The Loudest Quack, EVER.
The very one that makes the whole thing quack up at the faultlines.
I'm American Lesley Jane and I give a quack.
4/1/2016 8:09:22 AM
the ones (songs) I'd made in support of Trump? They're retracted. Gone.
The other one,
"On A Wave Of Bigots Rides Donald Trump" by American Lesley Jane
is still there...
4/1/2016 9:02:52 AM
Having read 'The Art of the Deal' many years ago, I was very glad to see Donald Trump get into the presidential race. And I still plan to vote for him in the California primary. The fact that the left and the right both want to stop him only reinforces my support for the most hated one. So go ahead and hate me, too. I think Trump is exactly what we need right now.
4/1/2016 9:18:11 AM
It blows my mind that after eight years of President Obama the best the democrats can do is run a Wall Street tool and a socialist. No thank you and no thank you!
Holo Lukaloa
4/1/2016 1:17:14 PM
Every Republican is far more into Wall St. than Hillary, that's just a cliche.
4/1/2016 1:23:28 PM
I am sure very few people get paid what Hillary gets paid to talk to Wall Street people. She is Wall Street. Don't you want to read the transcripts of those quarter million dollar speeches? I do!
Paul groover
4/1/2016 1:59:16 PM
This has nothing to do with me USA politics. I hate politics but i like good ideas. A good idea is if the american population disowned the petro dollar. And started printing dollars backed by the peoples government at 0% interest. Iceland did it. The petro dollar will survive as there is to many countries heavily invested in the petro dollar to just get rid of it. It has to be phased out so no-one is holding an empty can. There is trillions of dollars of debt that no-one has any idea what to do with. It is not your debt
4/1/2016 2:22:24 PM
This guy sounds like a smart one.
See if he wants the bloody job!
4/1/2016 2:28:16 PM
' Why do elections for me always wind up being a choice for the lesser evil rather than a choice for the greater good?'
Stoneman ---this has been my experience ever since my first election, loved your piece man, you are so articulate----and your reply ALJ
Remember half the people have an IQ (intelligence quota ) below 100
ie. half of us are dumb fucks---- as Mr Soprano might say
4/1/2016 2:40:03 PM
Hillary-The-Hawk Flies Again
by Ralph Nader / August 16th, 2014
“Hillary works for Goldman Sachs and likes war, otherwise I like Hillary,” a former Bill Clinton aide told me sardonically. First, he was referring to her cushy relationships with top Wall Street barons and her $200,000 speeches with the criminal enterprise known as Goldman Sachs, which played a part in crashing the U.S. economy in 2008 and burdening taxpayers with costly bailouts. Second, he was calling attention to her war hawkish foreign policy.
Paul groover
4/1/2016 2:40:47 PM
Aye not for me hate poltics like good ideas.
Father Time
4/1/2016 5:38:25 PM
Ralph Nader historically hates the Clintons and cost Al Gore an election.
4/1/2016 5:40:19 PM
Ralph Nader is a very smart man.
Holo Lukaloa
4/1/2016 5:43:00 PM
Anybody can say any cliche and you buy it?
Trump is now in trouble for bribing Ben Carson
4/1/2016 5:46:49 PM
Oh christ, that is old news.
4/7/2016 11:15:11 AM
Bacon Makes Everything BETTER.
4/7/2016 11:21:43 AM
Bacon has my vote. I am a proud Rebaconcrat.
4/7/2016 1:22:32 PM
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