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Holo Lukaloa
2/25/2008 9:36:28 PM
---- Updated 2/25/2008 10:09:14 PM
Phony Hillary goes schizo as her campaign plays race card, McCain confused as usual, Obama stays above it all
What a few days in politics. After ending the last debate with (as it turns out) an overwhelmingly disingenuous show of respect for Obama, a few days later the now obvious duplicitous phony Hillary Clinton comes out acting steaming mad at him for literature released. At the same time her campaign manager doesn't deny the pathetic spreading of a pic of Obama in traditional African garb, trying to exploit the prejudiced element of US society. I thought this woman Maggie Williams offered such a shameless spin, it looks like Hillary knows she needs a sickeningly dirty campaign to win.
"In December, two Clinton Iowa volunteers resigned after forwarding a hoax e-mail that falsely said Obama is a Muslim possibly intent on destroying the United States."
Obama is the only choice now. Otherwise you have stupid or depraved power freak.
While all this is happening McCain comes out and says that he understands that if he can't convince the American people that we won the war in Iraq, he can't win. Good luck with that! A few moments later he changed his mind again about that statement, as is his way, and yesterday more questions of his dealings with lobbyists that he outright denied have come to the surface. The NY Times wasn't so wrong now after all it seems. I just don't think he's a viable candidate, he's a terrible candidate. Fortunately for him the Clintons may still find a way to win, lord knows they'd do anything including name Monica Lewisky as her running mate and promise blowjobs to all voters if that brought them the nomination. What is all this bunk about her experience anyway? As I recall the only significant thing she did while Slick Willie was in power was totally take a flop on health care. The only foreign policy experience she has is if she turns the button over to Bill. She should be embarrassed talking about her foreign policy experience, what a shambala..
Obama is a fighter. I see the future of this all the way up to the presidency. It will be a terrible period in American history as all the closet racists will come out from hiding in the next 9 months. When such an electifyingly intelligent guy has all the dregs of America trying to yank him down, it shows the failure of our education system. Can the smartest candidate rise to the top when there are so many idiots out there? Tune in next week, same time, same bat station, to watch as the battle between smart/good and stupid/evil comes into the spotlight for once and for all, for all to see. Which will win? Do the stupid have the smart outnumbered? I fear they do.
2/26/2008 5:44:20 AM
First, I wanna say that I'm jealous that you are in Hawaii and I am not.
Second, visit www.barackobama.com He's on the last stretch of getting an unprecedented in history, one million donors to his campaign. It counts even if you give $5. I already donated so they can't count me twice. All my friends have too.
It would be great for him to reach one million by tonight's debate.
He's only 15,000 or so away. . . If anyone here likes the dude and has $5 to spare, I naturally encourage it. No pressure. Sorry if I sound like I'm soliciting. Hey, at least I didn't ask you to send me money!
I just HAVE to address this, because in my opinion, anyone Supporting HRC should in their right mind, change their stance IMMEDIATELY, after her latest shenanigans:
The picture of Barack in Kenyan clothes is bad, but the way the Clinton spokespeople reacted is even worse.
I'm not sure how closely you followed this one, but this is what happened.
1. Someone from HRC campaign, allegedly distributed a photo of Barack dressed in a turbin.
2. Then, they said, 'we didn't officially distribute it.' And besides, the Obama campaign should be ashamed that they think this picture is offensive. Hillary wears local clothes when visiting other countries too!
Here's what a blogger had to say. . .
"it really REALLY pisses me off the way the clinton camp responded to that picture. to say that pics of hillary don't make any difference in that kind of dress, so why does it matter to him? COME ON.
They KNOW that there's been smear emails and rumors about him being a muslim, and this is the kind of thing that can really affect ignorant people, a lot of which make up the electorate.
i don't know if they really leaked it or not, but their response makes it seem that they did. because the absolute appropriate response to this would have been to condemn it, whether they or someone in their camp leaked it or not.
this fake "play dumb" strategy is offensive."
Tonight's the debate. I hope that he decisively wins it. Then next week is Texas and Ohio. I hope he decisively wins those too.
2/26/2008 8:22:20 AM
Right on, Larree!
2/26/2008 9:50:39 AM
This may be a bit of a leap of faith, or a trickle down theory perhaps, but getting the 'right' person in office may reduce the problem of homelessness (especially in this case homeless vets.) as a whole. (I'm not saying that giving food to the homeless is wrong here.)
Also, having the 'right' person in office may promote a policy that is beneficial in getting a 'recreational' and illegal drug like marajuana for instance, in the hands, legally, of people who desperately need it to manage pain. People who would normally not even think of taking it because it is illegal. I don't know where any candidates stand on this issue. I'm just using it as an example.
Just food and a joint for thought.
Jeff Allen Myers
2/26/2008 9:53:42 AM
I am with you on this one... over the weekend her "Shame on you Obama!" speech was a contrived joke.
The picture? Yes it was shameful of the Clinton campaign, it is so transparent what they are attempting to do; I agree it is very insulting. To turn it back on Obama without a mention of the underlying possible influence is souless. It's not the same as Hillary wearing a chinese hat, or Bush in full Korean Garb. This photo will play on the fears of the ignorant, and yes...race influenced voters. Hillary Clinton is a Joke, from the minute she established a residence in New York for the sole purpose of running for office I knew she was fake. She showed little integrity handling Bill's shameful lack of respect for her marriage and the Oval Office. She knows her Political career is tied to Bill's; She sold her soul long ago.
She claims to have the experience to be President ...why? Because she was the wife of a President? She obviously was not around enough when Bill was playing with cigars. How many wifes' can do their Husbands Job just because they are married? I suppose Condolleza Rice's partner is equipped to be Secretary of State.
What is needed in a President is Integrity and Leadership. You handle the experience issue by surrounding yourself with the most qualified, experienced people. An expert on the economy, and expert on foreign affairs, an expert on social issues, ....The President then must be able to take this information, trust in it, and make an informed decision. Personal integrity is key, you don't always have to agree with the President...but you should always respect for the person doing the job. Hillary has none of my respect.....she is a political operative schooled by one of the best. Watch out for the so called "Super Delegates", we may see how ugly the Clinton politcal machine really is. If Obama takes Texas and Ohio, Hillary should concede. If she doesn't, it will be a disgrace....and the smoke from the back rooms will start to creep out in public.
2/26/2008 10:16:27 AM
Right on times two!
2/27/2008 12:46:51 PM
Well, I only have a few things to say about the current election, and one correction to make to the original post. Billary (I like this name, I think it is the most accurate term for this phony) and McCain are straight up evil, and very ignorant to current political issues (mostly the dragging economy). Obama is a great candidate and my choice to win, but by no means is he the smartest candidate. The smartest candidate is Ron Paul, and yes, the smartest man will never win.
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