Holo Lukaloa
3/28/2008 1:35:20 AM
If they repeat the phrase 'the surge is working" enough times, will that solve the Iraq fiasco?
They seem to think so, don't they? Meanwhile that country is in shambles, good work US government. You only spent trillions and trillions of dollars for this.
John McCain is a fool. It doesn't matter if they held him in a prison for 20 years, it didn't make him smart. I thought it was funny when Obama said today that McCain is running for George W. Bush's 3rd term.
Speaking of Obama, polls now indicate that the Reverend Wright deal (the pastor disaster), didn't even hurt him much. Some polls have his approval rating higher than before.
I really hope that the next administration goes after Bush and Cheney for all the various dishonest scandals they've had a part in during his tenure. American history needs to tell the whole truth about these jackals.