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Holo Lukaloa
Views for this Topic: 1539

8/21/2018 6:30:38 PM

4/2/2017 4:31:24 PM
I Wish You Were Here for A Day In The Life

3/20/2017 12:48:26 PM
Another Watergate at very least

3/6/2017 5:18:51 PM
Gullibility test for Trump supporters

1/29/2017 3:47:13 AM
Right wing exposed and embarrassed about lack of replacement for Obamacare in secret taped meeting

1/27/2017 7:34:39 PM
What religions do you think Trump should bar from America next?

1/26/2017 5:45:14 AM
It didn't take long, the hostile takeover of America is nearly complete

1/24/2017 11:23:15 PM
Anybody here okay with the EPA getting frozen and gag ordered yesterday?

1/23/2017 8:45:30 AM
Right wingers in US trying to outlaw peaceful protest

1/10/2017 6:53:40 PM
Barack Obama is a truly great man.

11/18/2016 1:56:24 PM
President-elect settles fraud case for 25 million

10/12/2016 10:43:19 AM
Liberal landslide looming!

8/25/2016 4:14:20 PM
This election is good vs. evil

6/9/2016 1:47:39 PM
You can tell President Obama loves Hillary from his endorsement

5/23/2016 12:46:17 PM
A rare musical post from the likes of me

5/4/2016 1:48:13 AM
"What happens next will test the character of all of us"

4/8/2016 9:03:51 AM
Hey Larree

3/22/2016 2:38:36 PM
the media is partially to blame for the lousy state of politics

3/17/2016 4:18:25 PM
Lies in politics

3/11/2016 1:48:31 AM
Anybody interested in politics needs to watch this.

3/5/2016 7:46:32 AM
What do the Trumpites here think about the way protesters are brutalized at Trump rallies?

2/23/2016 2:09:57 PM
MSNBC kissing up to Trump?? Why?

2/13/2016 2:39:26 PM
Judge Scalia has died.

2/5/2016 1:32:40 AM
Anybody see that fabulous debate last night?

2/2/2016 9:46:39 PM
Ted Cruz makes me sick.

1/28/2016 8:44:02 PM
Trump's gestures on behalf of veterans are a sorry fraud/

1/22/2016 12:09:35 PM
Republicans self-destructing, Dems will win easily in November

1/14/2016 8:34:28 PM
the Republican debate reminds me of schoolkids

1/13/2016 3:33:22 PM
Will Obama and Biden succeed in curing cancer?

1/5/2016 1:32:53 PM
Conservatives mock our president for crying at gun control speech.

1/5/2016 11:00:55 AM
Hillary Clinton promises to investigate UFOs

12/16/2015 7:49:58 AM
Anybody see the debate last night?

12/9/2015 10:17:16 PM
here's a funny pic

12/7/2015 8:59:52 PM
Where are all the cries for freedom of religion now that Trump wants all Muslims out of the country?

11/28/2015 10:55:39 PM
Fox News is responsible for Colorado mass shooting.

11/24/2015 12:22:54 AM
Trump tells big fib about muslim Americans celebrating on 9-11, what a despicable piece of garbage

11/17/2015 3:51:26 AM
Do the attacks on France justify a huge world war?

11/16/2015 11:49:11 AM
ISIS says they're going to attack Washington DC

11/14/2015 1:39:35 PM
Americans, how do you feel about immigration?

11/13/2015 7:34:59 PM
the world is in a holy war

11/9/2015 10:24:56 PM
Guess which 3 Republican candidates spoke at Execute the Gays Rally

11/4/2015 1:13:21 PM
Bernie introduces bill ending the federal ban on pot

11/1/2015 8:20:05 PM
your largest fear carries your greatest growth

10/31/2015 1:23:42 PM
US slithers into ground war in Syria

10/29/2015 11:41:54 AM
The verdict is in, the Republican debate last night was a trainwreck.

10/22/2015 6:32:53 PM
Hard to believe how much money and energy were spent on the Benghazi witchhunt

10/15/2015 1:09:35 PM
Here's at least one really good reason to vote for Hillary

10/13/2015 8:12:09 PM
rapper says the world ain't ready for a female president

10/9/2015 9:28:33 AM
The Republican Party is collapsing under the weight of stupidity

10/1/2015 7:59:19 PM
America - land of the free and the home of gun violence

9/24/2015 8:31:58 PM
the pope said absolutely nothing about indie music

9/16/2015 11:45:39 AM
Donald Trump has absolutely no substance, he's a JOKE.

9/3/2015 1:58:02 PM
Kim Davis is a jackass.

8/16/2015 9:42:35 AM
political punditry and prognostications from me

6/19/2015 5:37:18 AM
Donald Trump is going to drive the Repub clowncar this time

1/1/2010 11:07:07 AM
The most important political story of 2009 was

12/10/2009 7:57:50 PM
Sarah Palin weasels out of possible climate change debate with Al Gore

12/6/2009 4:09:14 PM
Sarah Palin doesn't like Asians, according to her father

12/1/2009 11:55:51 PM
Obama gave another historic speech tonight.

11/27/2009 10:23:09 AM
Obama pushes lobbyists off Federal Advisory Boards

11/18/2009 10:06:29 PM
Fox News is such a joke.

11/17/2009 12:35:14 PM
Imagine if we had all the money we wasted on 2 useless wars and used it on health care

11/7/2009 11:06:05 PM
It's a great day for the USA. Congrats Nancy Pelosi and the House, you did good.

11/5/2009 8:17:22 PM
The 10 dumbest signs at Michelle Bachman's Tea Party today.

10/26/2009 4:03:21 PM
August tea party sham turns out to be inept, Health Care moving forward

10/22/2009 3:21:20 PM
More and more Americans foolishly believing oil company propaganda against global warming

10/9/2009 1:14:17 PM
Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

8/21/2009 6:22:19 PM
Bush admin pressured Homeland Sec. chief Tom Ridge to raise terror alert the day before 04 election.

8/17/2009 5:58:22 PM
Health care debate the turning point in American government?

8/14/2009 6:43:13 PM
It's repulsive how the rightwingers are manipulating the elderly with fear, intimidation and complete lies to help their corporate contributors

8/8/2009 4:54:49 AM
Orly Taitz, the remix :>)

8/7/2009 3:29:32 AM
Right wing loons turning more and more violent as their leader Limbaugh tells them Obama is a Nazi

8/4/2009 5:01:57 AM
This is great. Olbermann calls out legislators owned by Insurance Lobbyists in tonight's special comment.

7/31/2009 7:35:07 PM
58% of Republicans agree with birthers.

7/28/2009 3:55:04 AM
Lobbyists own congress, special interests won the health care debate. No Government Option.

7/25/2009 4:30:57 AM
Of course Professor Gates getting arrested was a racial incident.

7/23/2009 4:58:12 AM
Birthers are an embarrassment to the human race.

7/10/2009 5:06:15 PM
China and India resolute to pollute the world.

7/4/2009 3:07:35 AM
Sarah Palin bails on the state of Alaska

6/21/2009 5:05:35 AM
Free Iran

6/18/2009 6:58:37 PM
Boycott Olive Garden. They removed their ads from Letterman show for Palin's folly.

6/14/2009 10:42:09 AM
Iran election comparable to Bush/Gore sham. Cheat elections stink.

6/12/2009 3:53:35 AM
Are violent right wing nutjobs going to turn the streets of America into a total danger zone?

6/11/2009 3:46:31 PM
Sarah Palin and her husband Todd are imbeciles

6/5/2009 6:16:26 PM
What an amazing statesman Obama is.

6/3/2009 9:14:08 PM
Right Wing Anti-Abortion Nutcases should be Viewed as Potential Terrorists.

5/25/2009 3:28:48 AM
Follow my political comments on Twitter

5/22/2009 9:37:17 PM
This really says it all.

5/21/2009 6:18:24 PM
Olbermann takes on Rush Limbaugh, this is so funny.

5/20/2009 11:49:43 AM
I am shocked, the Iraq War is a holy war waged by America.

5/16/2009 3:39:43 PM
How does everyone here feel about the new information out about the US torture program?

5/13/2009 5:51:51 PM
Dick Cheney's "Torture Works!" Tour. Are you going to see the show?

5/6/2009 6:24:35 AM
Al Gore would make a great Supreme Court justice.

4/24/2009 2:41:32 AM
Not since Watergate - The Torture Issue becomes Story of the Year in what could be a historic time for news and justice

4/22/2009 7:42:50 AM
The tide has turned, the torturers are gonna get punished.

4/21/2009 4:40:19 PM
Pro-torture idiots make me sick.

4/20/2009 1:42:06 AM
US tortured Sheikh Mohammed 183 times in one month, Zubaydah 83 times in one month

4/17/2009 2:58:15 AM
Torture memos show just what a horror show the Bush administration was.

4/16/2009 6:25:00 PM
I woke up this morning and needed to hear T-Rex.

4/14/2009 1:48:51 AM
Teabagging on Tax Day - The most idiotic protest in the history of protests??

4/9/2009 4:38:33 AM
Listener turns Rush Limbaugh into snivelling dimwit

4/4/2009 8:47:43 AM
2 American journalists being held in North Korea

3/28/2009 7:43:11 AM
I'm disappointed that Obama is scoffing at pot legalization.

3/21/2009 6:52:22 PM
The crystal clearest explanation I've seen about the financial crisis, and who is really to blame.

3/20/2009 8:59:50 AM
Olbermann's great rant on corporate America

3/17/2009 5:53:30 AM
Bush may not be allowed in Canada for booked speech due to war crimes!

3/5/2009 3:36:35 AM
Anybody who doesn't think they should investigate Bush/Cheney administration needs to see this.

3/3/2009 11:48:54 AM
Dept. of Justice unearths horrifying secret Bush memos that show the extent of the arrogance including usurping free speech/press in US.

2/28/2009 4:20:11 AM
Jindal told outright lies in his speech the other night.

2/25/2009 10:08:25 AM
So was I right about Obama or what?

2/24/2009 3:10:24 AM
Sarah Palin still whining about being a victim of the media.

2/20/2009 1:01:20 PM
Rush Limbaugh compares Democrats passing stimulus to murderers, rapists

2/19/2009 5:48:20 AM
Obama opposes Fairness Doctrine

2/13/2009 9:45:21 AM
A letter to Obama written by a former Republican

2/12/2009 7:30:35 PM
Obama's Lincoln speech tonight was his best since race speech in Philadelphia.

2/10/2009 10:07:51 AM
People who should shut up.

2/6/2009 11:01:31 PM
The Fairness Doctrine

2/5/2009 7:30:03 PM
Asinine Republicans would prefer economy going further into the depths than Obama succeeding.

2/2/2009 9:07:32 AM
European politicians and academics call for Bush to be tried for Torture

1/21/2009 7:49:22 AM
China censors parts of Obama's speech.

1/20/2009 1:16:29 PM
I just watched the oath and Obama's speech.

1/20/2009 2:17:22 AM
Olbermann's Special Comment tonight on Prosecuting Bush for Torture

1/16/2009 7:29:25 PM
Should the last day of W. Bush's presidency be declared a national holiday?

1/14/2009 9:17:47 AM
Incredible correspondences leaked from Bush's Justice Dept, ultimate corruption out in the open.

1/12/2009 8:44:39 PM
Really disappointed in Obama that he doesn't seem to want to prosecute Bush and Cheney for clear war crimes.

1/7/2009 8:09:04 AM
Dianne Feinstein is a lousy senator. I hope she gets her comeuppins.

1/5/2009 8:27:47 AM
Senator Al Franken

12/28/2008 11:45:12 PM
Obama's Justice Dept is going to be just what this country needs.

12/27/2008 10:06:48 AM
Indie female vocalists vs. mainstream female vocalists

12/23/2008 5:45:30 AM
Important Figure in Eventual Karl Rove Criminal Case dies in mysterious plane crash

12/17/2008 3:48:21 AM
Bush and Cheney should go to prison for war crimes. I'm serious. This is necessary to fix what was done.

12/15/2008 9:11:13 PM
I relate to the guy who threw his shoes at Bush's head.

12/12/2008 3:51:13 PM
Biggest full moon in 15 years tonight

12/12/2008 6:01:51 AM

12/6/2008 9:04:51 AM
More on the joke that is Sarah Palin.

12/5/2008 8:14:44 PM
Obscure songs I like

12/4/2008 8:17:51 PM
Karl Rove and others working on Bush Legacy Project to spin W's place in history.

12/1/2008 9:24:09 AM
I saw the press conference today and was really proud of Obama

11/26/2008 10:15:10 PM
Competence, what a concept. How refreshing to have a serious captain at the wheel.

11/19/2008 9:32:35 AM
Singing styles

11/14/2008 10:17:56 AM
Sarah Palin owes the media a big apology.

11/10/2008 12:45:43 PM
Source for leak that Palin didn't know Africa was a continent comes forward.

11/9/2008 9:18:54 PM
Racism in America, some questionable goings on in Mississippi since Obama's election win.

11/8/2008 6:18:03 PM
Another funny irony from the McCain campaign. Joe the Plumber was actually on welfare, twice!

11/6/2008 8:44:27 PM
The biggest security risk the US has seen in the last century

11/6/2008 5:21:54 PM
Bob Dylan reacts during concert to election of Obama

11/4/2008 9:53:07 PM
. . . . . And it is a new day in America.

11/4/2008 11:04:23 AM

11/3/2008 6:38:46 PM
on Fox News, a great article

11/3/2008 2:39:20 PM
How terribly sad. Barack's grandmother died this morning, one day before he is elected president.

11/2/2008 11:20:36 AM
Has there ever been an election more important than this one in the history of the world?

11/2/2008 2:33:12 AM
How far would you go to save a friend that may be going so far down he's near the end?

11/1/2008 12:28:16 PM
McCain and Palin have gotten a ridiculous free ride with the media this election, under close scrutiny.

10/30/2008 11:14:50 AM
Deep Purple; Machinehead

10/29/2008 10:31:17 PM
The best presidential ad I've seen this year

10/29/2008 3:12:31 AM
Sarah Palin, Socialist. :>)

10/28/2008 10:04:37 PM
The coming reemergence of America as a respectable country again. Non-Americans, we are sorry about Bush!

10/26/2008 9:50:42 PM
I'm not Joe the Plumber.

10/24/2008 12:27:52 PM
McCain campaign worker admits to making up the story of getting mugged and a B carved in her face for having McCain bumper sticker.

10/22/2008 10:16:34 AM
Palin the pork hater exposed spending money hand over fist on new clothes and unauthorized travel for her kids.

10/21/2008 1:52:40 PM
Don't read this if you don't want to see an angry rant.

10/19/2008 6:43:23 AM
Colin Powell endorses Obama, says Palin is not qualified to be pres.

10/18/2008 2:03:40 AM
What is the matter with these people, attending Palin rallies?

10/16/2008 10:24:10 PM
The puzzling duality of John McCain

10/15/2008 10:39:05 PM
Maybe American voters aren't so stupid after all.

10/9/2008 6:01:32 PM
The final word on Sarah Palin. This is maybe Keith Olbermann's best ever Special Comment.

9/26/2008 8:59:55 PM
The visionary and the career politician

9/26/2008 7:43:59 AM
Sarah Palin, liar.

9/25/2008 5:08:54 PM
McCain chicken? Palin and the Pledge of Allegiance

9/24/2008 4:34:52 AM
I'm ba-ack. Sarah Palin is meeting Bono today so I came up with something special.

9/13/2008 7:14:55 PM
I'm leaving IAC

9/13/2008 11:28:54 AM
This beats all. Want to read about John McCain the maverick?

9/12/2008 6:37:16 PM
I think I'm more qualified to be president than Sarah Palin.

9/10/2008 4:54:17 PM
How can McCain backers ignore the desperate scumbag ads of the last few days or are they lowlifes too, like their candidate?

9/9/2008 8:46:19 PM
The living definition of being anti-artist

9/9/2008 12:52:16 AM
Are you gay? Sarah Palin's church can cure you with prayer.

9/7/2008 2:30:39 AM
Who's the greatest rock singer of all time?

9/6/2008 6:15:42 PM
Obama answers back today with the high hard one to Republicans' flagrant lying - "They must think you're stupid"

9/5/2008 1:12:40 AM
Why? Why? Why?

9/3/2008 1:05:30 PM
Here's a scoop. A leak preview of Palin's speech tonight.

9/2/2008 7:39:08 PM
Bush aides tutoring Sarah Palin so she can debate on foreign policy

9/1/2008 2:16:13 PM
Let's move to Alaska and make babies.

8/30/2008 10:13:39 AM
Sarah Palin, most foolish political maneuver in history?

8/28/2008 2:17:51 AM
Barack's Big Party The same day on the calendar as Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' Speech.

8/26/2008 9:58:06 PM
Yay for Hillary.

8/21/2008 9:24:20 PM
The turning point of the election came today. John McCain couldn't answer the question of how many houses he owns.

8/20/2008 6:40:21 PM
Sweet Mother of Mercy, War Monger McCain wants to reinstate the draft!! Here's proof.

8/20/2008 8:41:33 AM
John McCain graduated 894th in a class of 899 at the Naval Academy at Annapolis.

8/19/2008 4:39:49 PM
I hate to say this but I'm starting to hope Obama does a surprise and picks Hillary for VP.

8/18/2008 7:15:05 PM
Olbermann's Special Comment tonight - Senator McCain, Grow Up!

8/17/2008 1:57:30 PM
McCain cops out about defining "rich" during forum. Disses pro-choice Supreme Court Justices.

8/15/2008 6:57:12 PM
Larree says "We should bomb the f_ck out of Russia." Any geniuses on the pipeline agree with this?

8/12/2008 6:34:34 PM
McCain wants a new cold war. He is clearly a WAR MONGER. He is far worse than Bush.

8/5/2008 6:36:24 PM
OMG, what a day in politics. McCain, is he senile? Take a look and see for yourself. Also, Bush and Cheney BELONG IN PRISON.

8/5/2008 9:19:56 AM
Bush ordered forged document on Iraq WMD

8/5/2008 6:28:46 AM
Why is China such a craphole and why do other countries tolerate it as much as they do?

8/1/2008 8:26:37 PM
Anthrax case resolution seems fishy.

8/1/2008 12:29:10 AM
How the best presidential candidate in our generation may lose.

7/28/2008 10:22:58 AM
Despite McCain ads pandering to the stupid, Obama surges to commanding lead.

7/26/2008 7:22:32 AM
Europeans understand what Americans don't about how special Obama is.

7/23/2008 10:04:19 PM
Multiple Choice Question ////// Who is the most presidential?

7/21/2008 10:01:33 AM
Obama's upcoming visit to Europe, similar to the Beatles coming to America?

7/18/2008 9:22:07 PM
Did Heath Ledger's death make him a legend and make The Dark Knight twice as big at the box office?

7/17/2008 9:36:23 AM
The truth about McCain and his twin, Bush.

7/15/2008 9:31:43 PM
McCain borrows Obama's plan for Afghanistan, guess Barack isn't so lacking in experience after all.

7/15/2008 9:25:56 PM
Elvis Costello, lyricist extraordinaire

7/14/2008 9:15:41 AM
McCain is a fool. How could anyone vote for him?

7/11/2008 7:05:06 PM
Red Cross calls US torture program "war crimes".

7/10/2008 12:11:37 PM
McCain's top economic advisor says we're in a mental recession and calls US "a nation of whiners"

7/9/2008 12:35:09 AM
Felony spying on Americans was legitimized today.

7/8/2008 7:36:20 AM
Attacks on Obama become even more grasping and idiotic

7/2/2008 12:39:27 AM
CIA says Iran not building nukes but US and Israel looking towards war anyway.

6/29/2008 12:28:54 PM
Hey Larree, I found a song you might like.

6/24/2008 7:23:53 AM
How strange is it that McCain and his top financial advisor actually have a big part in the Enron loophole that brought high gas prices? Check this o

6/20/2008 8:00:12 PM
Pelosi and many house Democrats sell out on telecom immunity

6/20/2008 12:07:01 PM
This election season is really displaying public stupidity.

6/18/2008 12:50:02 PM
Bush/McCain seek to drill off coastlines now. Some ecology candidate.

6/14/2008 4:24:58 PM
Here's why McCain doesn't want the rich paying taxes.

6/11/2008 11:48:06 PM
McCain says that bringing troops home is "not too important".

6/11/2008 2:35:10 PM
Despite appearances, I think Hillary wants McCain to win so she can run in 2012

6/9/2008 1:13:43 AM
Hillary faces the truth.

5/31/2008 6:09:02 PM
Hillary and supporters flail away, obviously not having a clue about what is fair. We're so lucky she won't be president.

5/30/2008 6:34:46 PM
Racism is still a big problem in this country. I don't blame African Americans for using the term 'Whitey"

5/23/2008 7:38:28 AM
McCain has to denounce 2 pastor supporters and kick a number of lobbyists off his campaign.

5/22/2008 10:32:45 AM
Hillary's message - she can carry states where there are a lot of bigots.

5/17/2008 1:00:01 PM
Obama sticks it to Bush/McCain on failed foreign policy.

5/14/2008 8:47:28 PM
Olbermann hammered Bush bigtime tonight. Must see. Here it is.

5/6/2008 9:35:19 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, the next President of the United States is

5/2/2008 4:10:31 AM
The New York Dolls - One of the best ever?

4/30/2008 8:09:26 PM
The amount of constant irrelevant bullshit in the media about Barack Obama is beyond compare.

4/22/2008 9:27:14 PM
The Wicked Witch lives to fly on her broom another day.

4/22/2008 6:26:06 AM
The PA primary has arrived. Who will win, the visionary or the wicked witch?

4/21/2008 7:06:30 PM
Hillary takes one more stab at reeling in whatever stupid people she can round up, in PA with If You Can't Take The Heat ad.

4/18/2008 6:57:00 AM
Obama brushes totally rigged debate off his shoulder. Hillary reveals imperialist war plans.

4/16/2008 9:46:51 AM
Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, Marilyn Manson, Slash or Chrissie Hynde?

4/14/2008 9:37:53 AM
The Obama "bitter" remark and the sad state of current politics

4/11/2008 12:46:42 PM
Elton John says Hillary is losing to Obama because Americans are misogynists.

4/7/2008 3:16:17 PM
McCain mad about being called a warmonger yet all the songs he puts out are in the War genre.

4/4/2008 12:08:54 PM
McCain running on a war platform, yet is disinterested in new GI Bill

4/1/2008 6:32:28 PM
Hillary compares herself to Rocky Balboa

3/30/2008 8:16:22 PM
Hillary vows to run til the end. Perhaps she should set up her own parallel country she can govern?

3/28/2008 1:35:20 AM
If they repeat the phrase 'the surge is working" enough times, will that solve the Iraq fiasco?

3/25/2008 10:39:50 AM
Hillary's experience turns out to be a sham, for the third issue. Comedian Sinbad debunks her story.

3/24/2008 5:26:16 PM
The most influential male vocalist of this era is ?

3/23/2008 6:50:02 AM
Passport breaches of candidates have gotten more publicity than rampant illegal wiretapping of all US citizens

3/20/2008 6:37:01 PM
We can now fully witness the incredible bullshit adversity campaign being mounted to keep a great man from changing the world.

3/19/2008 11:50:18 PM
Dick Cheney doesn't care how Americans feel about war. McCain confused about Shiites and Sunis. Hillary visits Mich. out of desperation.

3/18/2008 10:02:21 AM
The first great statesman America has had since the sixties came into his own today.

3/11/2008 7:26:38 PM
Hillary's campaign gets even more racist. & it's now official, there are no connections between Iraq and 9-11

3/7/2008 7:47:06 PM
Obama aide calls Hillary a Monster (like she's not?), Military Officials fear McCain's button on the trigger.

3/6/2008 9:57:35 PM
Hillary wants to win nomination so bad she says she and McCain qualified to lead, not Barack. Nafta issue turns backwards.

3/4/2008 8:59:24 PM
Hillary gets a net gain of around 8 total delegates, she's acting like she's headed for the nomination and media depicts this as great victory.

3/2/2008 8:43:53 AM
Would you feel safer with Hillary's "experienced" finger on the button?

2/27/2008 7:48:29 AM
Hillary finally admits she was wrong about her vote for Iraq war

2/25/2008 9:36:28 PM
Phony Hillary goes schizo as her campaign plays race card, McCain confused as usual, Obama stays above it all

2/21/2008 8:19:27 PM
Hillary getting desperate and obstinate, McCain likes the younger women.

2/19/2008 6:42:54 PM
Obama wins again!!

2/15/2008 3:22:27 AM
McCain flip-flops on torture, Democratic Congress finally puts foot down to Dubya's fear-mongering. Clintons get negative.

2/6/2008 7:32:49 PM
What qualities do you look for in a President?

2/2/2008 8:00:24 PM
On the US government keeping every transmission, phone or internet, that takes place in US, and not just to stop terrorism.

1/3/2008 11:47:10 PM
Was it a historic night in US politics?

12/26/2007 11:39:47 PM
Hendrix at Woodstock

11/8/2007 1:48:36 PM
Whistleblower discusses how US government spies on all internet and phone conversations

11/6/2007 7:56:20 AM
Keith Olbermann's Special Comment last night on America and Torture. This is a must see.

10/17/2007 8:46:17 PM
Stevie Wonder, anybody like him?

8/21/2007 1:48:24 AM
David Bowie


Basic (free) Member


Holo Lukaloa

11/3/2008 2:39:20 PM ---- Updated 11/3/2008 2:40:47 PM

How terribly sad. Barack's grandmother died this morning, one day before he is elected president.
HONOLULU (Nov. 3) - Barack Obama's grandmother, whose personality and bearing shaped much of the life of the Democratic presidential contender, has died, Obama announced Monday, one day before the election. Madelyn Payne Dunham was 86. Obama announced the news from the campaign trail in Charlotte, N.C. The joint statement with his sister Maya Soetoro-Ng said Dunham died peacefully late Sunday night after a battle with cancer.

They said: "She was the cornerstone of our family, and a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, strength, and humility. She was the person who encouraged and allowed us to take chances."

Obama learned of her death Monday morning while he was campaigning in Jacksonville, Fla. He planned to go ahead with campaign appearances.

The family said a private ceremony would be held later.

Last month, Obama took a break from campaigning and flew to Hawaii to be with Dunham as her health declined.

Obama said the decision to go to Hawaii was easy to make, telling CBS that he "got there too late" when his mother died of ovarian cancer in 1995 at 53, and wanted to make sure "that I don't make the same mistake twice."

The Kansas-born Dunham and her husband, Stanley, raised their grandson for several years so he could attend school in Honolulu while their daughter and her second husband lived overseas. Her influence on Obama's manner and the way he viewed the world was substantial, the candidate himself told millions watching him accept his party's nomination in Denver in August.

"She's the one who taught me about hard work," he said. "She's the one who put off buying a new car or a new dress for herself so that I could have a better life. She poured everything she had into me."

Obama's nickname for his grandmother was "Toot," a version of the Hawaiian word for grandmother, tutu. Many of his speeches describe her working on a bomber assembly line during World War II.

Madelyn and Stanley Dunham married in 1940, a few weeks before she graduated from high school. Their daughter, Stanley Ann, was born in 1942. After several moves to and from California, Texas, Washington and Kansas, Stanley Dunham's job landed the family in Hawaii.
It was there that Stanley Ann later met and fell in love with Obama's father, a Kenyan named Barack Hussein Obama Sr. They had met in Russian class at the University of Hawaii. Their son was born in August 1961, but the marriage didn't last long. She later married an Indonesian, Lolo Soetoro, another university student she met in Hawaii.

Obama moved to Indonesia with his mother and stepfather at age 6. But in 1971, her mother sent him back to Hawaii to live with her parents. He stayed with the Dunhams until he graduated from high school in 1979.

In his autobiography, Obama wrote fondly of playing basketball on a court below his grandparents' 10th-floor Honolulu apartment, and looking up to see his grandmother watching.
It was the same apartment Obama visited on annual holiday trips to Hawaii, a weeklong vacation from his campaign in August, and his pre-election visit in October. Family members said his grandmother could not travel because of her health.

Madelyn Dunham, who took university classes but to her chagrin never earned a degree, nonetheless rose from a secretarial job at the Bank of Hawaii to become one of the state's first female bank vice presidents.

"Every morning, she woke up at 5 a.m. and changed from the frowsy muumuus she wore around the apartment into a tailored suit and high-heeled pumps," Obama wrote.

After her health took a turn for the worse, her brother said on Oct. 21 that she had already lived long enough to see her "Barry" achieve what she'd wanted for him.

"I think she thinks she was important in raising a fine young man," Charles Payne, 83, said in a brief telephone interview from his Chicago home. "I doubt if it would occur to her that he would go this far this fast. But she's enjoyed watching it."

Stanley Dunham died in 1992, while Obama's mother died in 1995. His father is also deceased.

When Obama was young, he and his grandmother toured the United States by Greyhound bus, stopping at the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Park, Disneyland and Chicago, where Obama would years later settle.

It was an incident during his teenage years that became one of Obama's most vivid memories of Toot. She had been aggressively panhandled by a man and she wanted her husband to take her to work. When Obama asked why, his grandfather said Madelyn Dunham was bothered because the panhandler was black.

The words hit the biracial Obama "like a fist in my stomach," he wrote later. He was sure his grandparents loved him deeply. "And yet," he added, "I knew that men who might easily have been my brothers could still inspire their rawest fears."

Obama referred to the incident again when he addressed race in a speech in March during a controversy over his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. "I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother," he said.

Dunham was "a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world but who once confessed her fear of black men who passed her on the street."

Still, much of who Obama is comes from his grandmother, said his half sister.

"From our grandmother, he gets his pragmatism, his levelheadedness, his ability to stay centered in the eye of the story," she told The Associated Press. "His sensible, no-nonsense (side) is inherited from her."

Madelyn Lee Payne was born to Rolla and Leona Payne in October, 1922, in Peru, Kan., but lived much of her childhood in nearby Augusta.

She was the oldest of four children, and she loved to read everything from James Hilton's "Lost Horizon" to Agatha Christie's "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd."

Dunham and her husband were "vicious" bridge players, according to her brother Jack. After retirement, the two of them would take island cruises and do little but play bridge and a more difficult version called duplicate bridge.

Associated Press Writer Nedra Pickler in Charlotte, N.C. contributed to this report.

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Klaus Vonn Booboo

11/3/2008 7:02:05 PM

One more dead person votes for Obama.

He's had her on ice for a week.

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The Man With No Band

11/3/2008 7:13:30 PM

Man that is just sick ....

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11/3/2008 9:08:38 PM

She lived a good long life and it is too bad she didn't last a bit longer but when people pass at that age it's just their time to go.

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Beth Fridinger

11/4/2008 12:27:50 AM

The timing is terrible...my mother died on my daughter's birthday...that was terrible timing. It's too bad she didn't live another few days at least...poor Barack...it must be hard with all that is going on.

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the perfect banana

11/4/2008 12:33:52 AM

I have a theory about this kind of thing. When anything really good happens in my life, something lousy happens to keep me from getting a big head about it. Of course the onus of my theory relies on the fact that there are superior beings fiddling with humankind as a sort of scientific experiment. :D

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Holo Lukaloa

11/4/2008 11:46:18 AM

Just wanted to note that the comments of the troll above (BooBoo) show the special qualities of hatred the anti-Obama crowd carry with them. They are sick inside.

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Maria Daines

11/4/2008 1:46:00 PM

Oh that's really sad news, but I agree she will be with him in spirit.

Maria xx

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Kevin White

11/4/2008 4:00:27 PM ---- Updated 11/4/2008 4:01:44 PM

I don't see it as a particularly tasteless comment when considering the source.

You see, folks who support McCain have gotten desensitized to such things.

McCain himself has had several heart attacks ... near death situations ... and he's recovered.

McCain's campaign died in the primaries, but came back to take the nomination.

Following the nomination, McCain started to die in the polls ... but Palin rejuvenated his numbers.

The effect was short, as McCain's campaign has again been dead for months.

And tomorrow, the time of death is likely to be called officially.

So, have a little considerate sympathy. McCain fans have been only too close to death ... for too long.

It's not a happy time for them.

Unless, of course, they win.



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