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Kevin White
Views for this Topic: 1050

10/23/2014 7:26:36 AM
"Life Outrageous" - Newest Release - Free download

10/4/2014 1:56:17 PM
Don't Sleep Your Life Through

9/14/2014 10:47:41 AM
Outrageous -- last song on the new release -- just finished.

1/18/2014 5:58:59 PM
Three newest tunes ...

12/7/2013 1:15:37 PM
My First Video

8/8/2013 3:13:07 PM
New & Improved!

6/25/2013 2:27:49 PM
Hi Folks Hope all is well!

6/1/2010 5:32:52 PM


IAC Prime Member


Kevin White

10/4/2014 1:56:17 PM ---- Updated 10/4/2014 1:59:17 PM

Don't Sleep Your Life Through

Don't Sleep Your Life Through

I just finished up the final mix pass on this one this morning. It's now ready for my newest release.

It's a power pop piano ballad. I hope you all like it!



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10/4/2014 9:51:55 PM

I like this one a lot. Great piano and guitar work. Exceptional lyrics and exceptionally spirited vocals. All in all, a very fine piece of music here.

Much Respect,

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Richard Scotti

10/5/2014 8:32:25 AM ---- Updated 10/5/2014 8:33:31 AM

I agree with Stoneman and I also love the lead guitar but may I ask if it's OK for me to make certain suggestions? If you are wedded to this song as is, then I will respect that but if you want my purely subjective opinions on how I think the song could be made better I'd be happy to share them. In any case the song is very good the way it is. Nice work!

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Bryon Tosoff

10/7/2014 1:47:59 PM

I really like what Kevin has done here, I found it quite the Epic Ballad so to speak, with lots of color and change ups that keep the listener glued to the song. certainly well arranged, and produced, as all Kevs songs are, he is indeed a master at doing that, and has had enough experience over the years to have developed a keen ear and solid writing skills. He provides an interesting tapestry of sound and images to keep ones attention, so i think this one is a keeper

As for making it better, well, not sure if it could be better, it is its own spirit essence if I will, it lives and breathes and to add or change it, is like a painter being told, I think it could have a dash of something here or there by an admirer, who likes what they see, but interpret it as perhaps lacking in a taste as would a baker who may add a spice or two here and there.

so no, I would not like it if I painted a picture, and said its done, and hang it out on a wall somewhere and got bad reviews, or mediocre ones or even good ones,, its my baby, let out into the world, - now go I say to the painting, and release it to the hounds,

As for kevs song it is a finished piece on a canvas of sound. we listen and like or not, no need to make it better, the master painter has finished his work. its done

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Kevin White

10/7/2014 2:12:06 PM

Thanks for the kind words all!

I'm always open minded, Rich. I work generally alone and appreciate different perspectives from different ears. Heck, the the original middle section had a sax solo originally through it.

I have a rather thick skin. :)

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Kevin White

10/7/2014 4:33:19 PM ---- Updated 10/7/2014 4:35:19 PM

... and Bry? I was on my way out to the store w/ my wife when I dashed off my first response. Sorry I didn't respond to your post directly.

You are also correct. As of this point, it's going to take an exceptional idea to change my mind on the arrangement. I'm in the final mixdown stage for my new album, and Rich was not specific on what he wanted to comment on. I'm still opening to hearing what the thought was.

All of the tracks have been assembled, and I'm living with the mixes for a few weeks to gain some fresh ears. I've already got a couple suspicions about how I mixed a couple tracks ... but this is the time to step back, take a deep breath of fresh air, and try to gain a listener's perspective versus the artist/producer lens I wear during the creative production process.

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Richard Scotti

10/8/2014 7:01:47 AM ---- Updated 10/8/2014 7:20:29 AM

After reading Bryon's post, I decided to affirm the concept he was putting forward.

I was not specific because I wanted permission to be specific. When people post songs they all have different reasons for doing so. Sometimes they ask for suggestions and sometimes they do not. You didn't ask for suggestions in your first post, so one would have to assume that the song is "done" as Bryon indicated. As to whether or not my suggestion was exceptional - I guess we'll never know :-)

All opinions are subjective anyway, so it really doesn't matter what I think.
I did however make it clear in my first post that I thought the song was a very good one "as is" and I stand by that.

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Kevin White

10/10/2014 7:50:56 AM

Excellent reply, Rich, and thank you for your thoughts.

After reading it, I assembled all the tracks for the new album and sent it off to the M.E. for final treatment.

I'm now waiting for their return, and then it's a matter of finishing up the album cover and I can release it.

Hope all else is well.


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Richard Scotti

10/10/2014 1:22:15 PM

Good luck with the mastering process. That's always an adventure!

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Steve Ison

10/12/2014 1:39:22 PM

Nice song Richard..Good vocals and some cool changes..Enjoyed it :)

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