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Beth Fridinger
5/2/2008 6:59:07 AM
Music in Iraq
I read something yesterday about the instrument, the oud....it is a kind of lute....and since the war started the musicians have had to go underground because the religious extremists are threatening them...smashing their instruments and threatening to kill them if the continue to play...only religious music is allowed. The oud makers have to make the instruments in hiding...That is sad...Imagine having someone confiscate and smash your beloved instrument...and threaten to kill you if you play. Whoa.
Jo Ellen
5/2/2008 1:18:46 PM
Makes me grateful for what I've got.
5/2/2008 3:57:42 PM
yes this is sad
but temporary...
as was the third reich (which first was claimed by the nazis to last a thousand years - but did not)
extremism will come to an end. nobody can stop humans from loving music
take Iran for instance
despite a ban on the performance of Western music, Amir Tehrani and his band “Mine” play their heavy metal songs: "in that place we were about 100 and something people and we were not alone. And they were supporting us and we liked it."
Vincenzo Pandolfi
5/2/2008 9:00:06 PM
It only confirms how powerful music is!!
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