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Beth Fridinger
5/11/2008 2:49:46 AM
CDs - why are they skipping in the car
I need help with this...does anybody know...is it the recording process, the burning process, or the brand of CD, the CD player itself....I got some nice silver Mama CDs and burned some of my music to it...while driving in the car it skips when going over bumps. I want to be able to make a good CD that does not skip...this is very important because I want to make home made CDs.
I got waves, then I burned them to a CD and CD trax using ITunes. Does one need to use the special CDs for music? The folks who make CDs, what do they use? I need to be able to burn CDs that will NOT skip. Help!
5/11/2008 3:11:39 AM
....I expect it will be the car's CD player but you can easily test it by checking if it skips on another player such as on a desktop computer.
It could be dust on the lens reader. I doubt if you drive a performance car with nice 'n hard suspension which could also rock it. But you say it happens when going over bumps so I guess it's probably related to the CD player's 'suspension' within the car. Just how fast are you flying over bumps!!??
Beth Fridinger
5/11/2008 12:44:34 PM
Well I don't think other CDs like ones that I have bought skip so some CDs are able to deal with the bumps. I need to know how best to make a home made CD that will not skip because I want to try selling my CDs and if it skips in people's cars they aren't gonna be happy. If anybody knows about CD production and how to make a CD that won't skip in a car....please let me know.
5/11/2008 1:29:15 PM
Er....It's like I said previously. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough.
1 - Firstly, check if the same CD that jumps in your car's CD player, also jumps on a physically stable indoor system.
2 - Secondly, check if other CDs, especially bought commercial ones, also jump when in your car's system.
Your aim is to test and narrow down the problem so you can identify it and hence take steps to solve it. It's either the individual CD or the CD player.
There is no such thing as a 'bump-proof CD' as such.
Vincenzo Pandolfi
5/11/2008 7:43:43 PM
Beth, follow Robyn's advice. I use iTunes as well to burn CDs. Generally I don't have a problem although some CD players, don't cope very well with CDrs for some reason. Some computers also don't appear to burn well. Test your CDs on as many players as you can.
5/11/2008 8:33:10 PM
Beth, if it is a problem with the burning, it will skip on other CD players too. In that case you might try reducing the speed when you burn. I found some problems happened when burning too fast for the PC that I have.
If it's just skipping in your car, try driving slower.... (just joking:) ... But if it is fine on everything else then the problem is with the car CD player. Like Robyn and Vincenzo said some CD players don't like CDrs very much.
5/11/2008 8:36:44 PM
If the CDs play in your home system but not in the car, you're using a cheap or funky car CD player, Beth. I used to work on this stuff, and I thought by now even the cheap car systems were burned-CD compatible, but no. Most mobile CD players use a memory buffer which looks ahead of what's being played to give the player time to make up for misreads, but some are crap and don't.
It's also barely possible your burner has about had it and produces marginal burns. But less likely. Use the verify function on the burning software. If that produces errors, it's your burner. Or both. :(
Pulse Eternal
5/12/2008 3:10:37 AM
Beth, there's some very good advice posted here so no need for me to repeat that.
I will add though that one sign that the laser in your car CD player may be wearing out is that burnt CDs will start to skip and become sensitive. This is true for any player and lasers do not last forever. They generally drop in output until they stop entirely and CDr's are usually the first to suffer.
Something else to try (assuming your car player is OK) is using a different brand of CDr. I generally find that TDK and Sony CDr's work best with my Pioneer burners.
If you can get them, Quantegy (formerly Ampex) CDr's are REALLY good but more expensive.
Bruce Boyd
5/12/2008 3:26:02 AM
SP..."CDs will start to skip and become sensitive".....
My CDs become sensitive if they're criticized.....
5/12/2008 3:37:51 AM
My CDs can't afford to be overly-sensitive, or they would've 'skipped' already.
Pulse Eternal
5/12/2008 4:03:41 AM
LOL guys :-D
Beth Fridinger
5/12/2008 1:43:30 PM
Thanks...they do not skip in the house only in my car so it was a surprise when I was driving. I used the MAMA CDs because I thought they would be good. I believe I have some Sony for music I will burn one today and listen to my CD when I go out.
Store bought CDs do not skip in my car, only the ones I have burnt. In the past I used HP CDs the blue ones and those did not skip last year but I didn't like the blue face because it can show through the label. My car is a 2001 so maybe that is the issue...
If it is my particular player then maybe that's OK...I want the CD to be the best for whoever I sell it to.
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