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Beth Fridinger
Views for this Topic: 1278

4/30/2010 4:11:10 AM
I was on television tonight because of a subway fire!

8/30/2009 8:08:03 PM

8/30/2009 8:02:43 PM
Afghan poet killed by husband and he gets away with it

8/21/2009 7:14:43 PM

8/17/2009 8:16:15 AM
how to nonmembers vote?

8/15/2009 6:22:31 PM

8/8/2009 8:27:22 AM

7/21/2009 5:21:27 PM
I went to Grey Fox

5/12/2009 6:52:11 AM

4/4/2009 6:48:39 AM
I have a cold

3/30/2009 6:13:48 PM
youtube-can't upload videos

3/29/2009 5:45:38 PM
more pics in the Boston Globe

3/29/2009 5:33:09 PM
question on video editing

3/23/2009 5:32:45 AM
I will be in Boston Globe tomorrow

2/26/2009 8:28:21 PM
computer problems anyone? HELP!

1/27/2009 4:48:08 PM
bluegrass music needed for new station

1/27/2009 10:56:41 AM
Old Joe Clark

1/25/2009 11:57:42 PM
I was robbed tonight

1/21/2009 10:43:42 PM
looking for fiddle, banjo, back up vocals

1/16/2009 9:54:33 AM
winter colds

1/11/2009 7:52:18 PM
music industry bites the hand that feeds it; live music venues are closing

12/29/2008 10:58:19 PM
RIP Freddie Hubbard

12/28/2008 10:06:58 PM
Christian the Lion

12/28/2008 3:34:31 PM
This is a great story

12/24/2008 10:02:00 PM
Holiday Lights

12/14/2008 10:21:58 PM
another song..this one is a Christimas tune

12/1/2008 2:13:23 PM
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds need chord fix

11/28/2008 11:31:04 PM
Hope your Thanksgiving was great!!

11/22/2008 10:57:39 AM
photo taken yesterday

11/22/2008 9:56:14 AM
Video of me in the subway

11/7/2008 2:14:30 AM
Purple Threads

11/5/2008 12:42:40 AM
Busking on Halloween

10/31/2008 2:35:33 AM
My Halloween tune "Goblins Lookin at Me"

10/29/2008 11:13:32 PM
Happy Halloween!!

10/19/2008 5:30:45 PM
Photos of Beth in the subway

10/19/2008 8:03:03 AM
posting a picture here & photos & video

10/7/2008 9:36:41 PM
preventing chest congestion

10/6/2008 1:53:29 AM
feeling better

10/1/2008 6:12:05 PM
voice, strain, allergies?

9/29/2008 12:58:03 AM

9/25/2008 9:20:19 PM
singing in the subway

9/22/2008 6:09:46 PM
guitar stand damage

9/20/2008 10:06:25 AM

9/2/2008 12:38:29 AM
playing the streets/subways & learning many lessons

8/11/2008 9:33:12 PM
Sore fingers - still

7/12/2008 12:39:52 PM
pain/numbness fretting hand need help/advice

7/10/2008 5:17:00 AM
Busking News

7/3/2008 9:28:19 PM
singing a lot ; how much is harmful?

6/29/2008 5:31:29 PM
need a sturdy cart ASAP to push amp and mic stand and bag with chords etc. around

6/25/2008 11:23:21 PM
playing the street

6/25/2008 11:19:56 PM
playing in the street

6/18/2008 9:55:55 AM

6/11/2008 11:34:53 PM
I had a successful evening busking!

6/10/2008 12:27:41 PM
Glad to be back

5/24/2008 2:42:29 PM
Utah Phillips has died

5/22/2008 11:28:30 AM

5/21/2008 9:56:29 PM
open mic

5/19/2008 2:48:20 PM
CD mastering

5/16/2008 6:17:50 PM
Progress - stage fright, and mandolin

5/13/2008 7:39:07 PM
topics here

5/11/2008 3:11:15 AM
Any experienced buskers out there?

5/11/2008 2:49:46 AM
CDs - why are they skipping in the car

5/8/2008 1:49:23 AM
dealing with stage fright

5/2/2008 10:50:48 PM
car key problems clicker doesn't work

5/2/2008 6:59:07 AM
Music in Iraq

4/30/2008 12:02:30 AM
keyboard and bass!!

4/23/2008 6:51:28 PM
guitar paint patch job question

4/20/2008 1:04:40 AM
Big Toe

4/14/2008 1:39:01 AM
different instrument; keyboard or other??

4/11/2008 12:44:55 PM

4/6/2008 11:25:22 AM
Best time of year to post songs on IAC

3/30/2008 9:01:54 AM

3/17/2008 4:46:10 PM
tendonitis anyone?

3/17/2008 5:06:00 AM
This flu is terrible

3/15/2008 9:51:16 PM
well now, stage fright anyone?

3/14/2008 6:40:59 PM

3/12/2008 7:35:47 PM
New Song

3/10/2008 2:03:23 AM
Buddy Miles has died at 60 (drummer with Hendrix)

2/28/2008 12:15:11 PM
hello to folks here

2/22/2008 1:23:50 PM

2/20/2008 11:56:32 PM
Lunar eclipse

1/29/2008 8:14:06 PM
song in Neil Young's Living With War web site

1/16/2008 12:57:28 AM

1/12/2008 11:51:54 PM
New Songs

1/2/2008 7:19:14 PM
New song

12/5/2007 8:28:49 PM
collaboration anyone?

8/30/2007 1:13:25 AM

7/16/2007 11:11:40 PM
Hello everybody

7/16/2007 1:36:10 PM
slide show


IAC Prime Member


Beth Fridinger

5/24/2008 2:42:29 PM

Utah Phillips has died
He was a great folksinger...a sweet man....and he has a page here in IAC.

Utah Phillips

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The Man With No Band

5/24/2008 4:21:01 PM ---- Updated 5/24/2008 4:33:17 PM

Sad to hear.... .A fine individual ... IAC should consider putting his songs up on the front page for a day or so ....

Thanks for the information Beth ....

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Hop On Pop

5/24/2008 4:59:23 PM

Very sad news.
Rest in peace, Mr. Phillips.

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The Man With No Band

5/25/2008 12:54:05 AM

Great to see Utah on the Hit-Line ... This Place Raaaaaawwwwwwwwwks !

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Maria Daines

5/25/2008 4:31:50 AM

Very sad news... and as I read this post a really touching tribute arrived in my inbox from David Rovics -

I was watching my baby daughter sleep in her carseat outside of the Sacramento airport about ten hours ago when I noticed a missed call from Brendan Phillips. He's in a band called Fast Rattler with several friends of mine, two of whom live in my new hometown of Portland, Oregon, one of whom needed a ride home from the Greyhound station. I called back, and soon thereafter heard the news from Brendan that his father had died the night before in his sleep, when his heart stopped beating.

I wouldn't want to elevate anybody to inappropriately high heights, but for me, Utah Phillips was a legend.

I first became familiar with the Utah Phillips phenomenon in the late 80's, when I was in my early twenties, working part-time as a prep cook at Morningtown in Seattle. I had recently read Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, and had been particularly enthralled by the early 20th Century section, the stories of the Industrial Workers of the World. So it was with great interest that I first discovered a greasy cassette there in the kitchen by the stereo, Utah Phillips Sings the Songs and Tells the Stories of the Industrial Workers of the World.

As a young radical, I had heard lots about the 1960's. There were (and are) plenty of veterans of the struggles of the 60's alive and well today. But the wildly tumultuous era of the first two decades of the 20th century is now (and pretty well was then) a thing entirely of history, with no one living anymore to tell the stories. And while long after the 60's there will be millions of hours of audio and video recorded for posterity, of the massive turn-of-the-century movement of the industrial working class there will be virtually none of that.

To hear Utah tell the stories of the strikes and the free speech fights, recounting hilariously the day-to-day tribulations of life in the hobo jungles and logging camps, singing about the humanity of historical figures such as Big Bill Haywood, Joe Hill or Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, was to bring alive an era that at that point only seemed to exist on paper, not in the reality of the senses. But Utah didn't feel like someone who was just telling stories from a bygone era -- it was more like he was a bridge to that era.

Hearing these songs and stories brought to life by him, I became infected by the idea that if people just knew this history in all it's beauty and grandeur, they would find the same hope for humanity and for the possibility for radical social change that I had just found through Utah.

Thus, I became a Wobbly singer, too. I began to stand on a street corner on University Way with a sign beside me that read, "Songs of the Seattle General Strike of 1919." I mostly sang songs I learned from listening to Utah's cassette, plus some other IWW songs I found in various obscure collections of folk music that I came across.

It was a couple years later that I first really discovered Utah Phillips, the songwriter. I had by this time immersed myself with great enthusiasm in the work of many contemporary performers in what gets called the folk music scene, and had developed a keen appreciation for the varied and brilliant songwriting of Jim Page and others. Then, in 1991, I came across Utah's new cassette, I've Got To Know, and soon thereafter heard a copy of a much earlier recording, Good Though.

Whether he's recounting stories from his own experiences or those of others doesn't matter. There is no need to know, for in the many hours Utah spent in his troubled youth talking with old, long-dead veterans of the rails and the IWW campaigns, a bridge from now to then was formed in this person, in his pen and in his deep, resonant voice. In Good Though I heard the distant past breathing and full of life in Utah's own compositions, just as they breathed in his renditions of older songs.

In I've Got T

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5/25/2008 4:36:31 AM

A fitting tribute Maria! Sorry to hear the sad news!!!

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5/25/2008 4:41:04 AM

It's fitting that our friend Utah Phillips should pass when we Americans celebrate Memorial Day! It's about remembering loved ones and heroes! Utah Phillips was my hero! In my book, one of the last REAL Americans.
I urge the world not to look at the phonies and liars that call themselves Americans today instead look at this man's life to appreciate the true American spirit!
This guy was old school! A true original! The grandpa everybody wanted!
I urge everyone on this site to check out Utah's song page and leave a tribute of some kind!
God rest your soul Utah! WJU

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