Beth Fridinger
7/12/2008 12:39:52 PM
pain/numbness fretting hand need help/advice
Fingers going NUMB up to the hand when I played my guitar today...pain in fingertips....this isn't the beginning or carpal tunnel is it? I have to take a break....
Does anyone have suggestions? I need help...I guess I overdid it too soon playing too long....
This morning I noticed my fingertips really hurt, esp. my middle finger...the fingers are flattened from playing the mandolin...I picked up my guitar today to try to work out Working Class Hero, and my fingers FINGERS ON LEFT HAND WENT NUMB. has anybody had this happen? I met another singer/songwriter who said his hands ache all the time and fingertips sore from a lot of playing...not my middle finger really hurt today, but when I went to play....numbness & that scares me...Does anybody know what this is? I want to keep playing but maybe I have to take a rest....playing in the street is rough on the hands...
Oh I am getting to know all the other buskers's see them out there...yesterday one was waiting while I was packing up...I left early Thurs night to meet a friend from out of town for dinner....funny...this is quite exhausting though....albeit fun. Worried about the hand now...I was gonna try to do this for a other option is typing...which could be a problem with finger problems.....
the kozy king
7/12/2008 6:27:30 PM
---- Updated 7/12/2008 6:29:24 PM
Here's some advice, Beth. Stop playing. If it doesn't get better in a day or two go see the doctor.
When things are back to normal find some stretching exercises specifically for guitarists. Start with your shoulders and work down to your fingers. gently stretch everything both ways if possible. Gently mind you. Massage the big muscles starting where the arm meet the chest and working down to the thumb. Relax completely while shaking your arms vigorously. Don't tense up while shaking.
Ready to rock!
This will help muscles and joints get ready for a long workout. Repeat during an extra long session.
But it won't do anything for a damaged nerve. Nerves replace themselves at a rate of about 1/4 inch per month. Could take time.
Go see a good doctor is it persists. Check the internet out for now.