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Beth Fridinger
10/1/2008 6:12:05 PM
voice, strain, allergies?
I haven't sung since last Friday and my voice was really bothering me. Now it feels like allergies, chest congestion, yet no runny nose or itchy eyes...but feels like a sore throat and there is phlegm...and almost feels like being on the verge of laryngitis. I am wondering if it's allergies towards ragweed.... I did strain the voice and have been trying to rest it. My voice sounds really really deep and pebbly....and I am also coughing slightly...and there is gunk down there....I would be interested in opinions and if anybody else had this happen. Now it reminds me of when I had pneumonia...the pneumonia was much worse of course. I sound like a baritone now! Could the change in weather be influencing these symptoms?
If it is vocal strain...the pharmacist said to take Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory...this reminded me of fish oil that also reduces inflammation so I am taking both, drinking water, resting, and took some mucinex type stuff today...last night I took an anti-histamine.
Has anyone had allergies where they just had phelgm but no itchy eyes or sinuses?
I met a man on the street last night who said he's a vocal instructor who lost his voice and he got it back when doctors said he could not get it back and said he knows exercises and things to do to rescue a damaged voice so I may consult with him at some point.
Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin
10/1/2008 6:59:20 PM
Stick your head in the sink, run the hot water with towel over your head and inhale steam like mad, several times a day for as long as you can stand it.
Stick/stretch your tongue out as far as it will go, stretch it to the left, stretch it to the right, in front until it hurts at the back. This will stretch out your vocal chords and get some sound back. Do this several times a day. (Do push ups with your tongue) Seriously, it's connected to the vocal chords and it does work to get your voice back.
Get "oil of wild oregano." It is the strongest antibacterial/antiviral herb on the face of the earth. Take a few drops and let it go down your throat real slow.
You shouldn't lose your voice with allergies, just get phlegmy. Sounds like bronchitus or some kind of respiratory infection.
Works everytime! If all else fails and you have to do a gig here's what to do.
Go to the grocery store and buy a couple of nice sized ginger roots. Grate the ginger root into boiling pot of water. Let it simmer for a while. Then strain it. Make it very strong. Add some honey, lemon and a bit of brandy to the pot and sip it.
Get lots of rest!
Hope you are feeling better soon. Dr. Deb
Lars Mars
10/1/2008 8:47:24 PM
I'm not a doctor. I don't even watch doctor shows. BUT if there's gunk, you may well have an infection. Keep in mind that pneumonia and bronchitis aren't always accompanied by fever.
That said, and again I'm not a doctor, the steam regimen that Deb mentioned has always worked for me for sinus troubles and congestion.
I've had two weeks of sinus misery due to the change of seasons and as you're in Boston, you've had the same weather (34 and clear one night 65 and pouring the next). Another possibility is mold spores, both indoor and with the wet weather and leaves starting to change, outdoor.
Not that they're perfect, but if you're sick there's really no substitute for a doctor visit.
Get well,
PS... there are exercises that you can do that will help preserve your voice. Mine wouldn't work at all the next morning after a gig, but would usually be ready the next night if I let it rest. And there are vocal cheats you can use to keep from straining it... Sinatra had a million of them.. part of his genius.
10/2/2008 12:55:48 AM
Did someone call my name?
Beth Fridinger
10/2/2008 11:31:38 AM
Well I've been doing the deep breathing exercises watching the belly expand and contract...I've been told I sing really well...have good projection generally...a vocal teacher came by and told me I sang well...could he tell if I was not breathing properly? I am worried about this now as I've only had one singing lesson.
I am thinking now I've developed bronchitis...I feel something in there...reminds me of the pneumonia I had last winter but not as bad.
There are lots of exercises on You Tube. I think I will visit this vocal teacher who claims he knows how to repair a damaged voice...
Gary Stockton
10/2/2008 4:13:25 PM
the mucinex stuff works like a charm for me. If you don't see an improvement in a day or two, I'd strongly urge you to see a doc. Pneumonia is serious business.
Tea with honey always sooths my throat. I also use Thayers slippery elm lozenges - they don't taste that great, but really help vocals. If you are sick, I find that it's usually best not to push one's self, allow time to get back to health. Frustrating I know.
Get well soon.
Beth Fridinger
10/3/2008 2:00:40 PM
Well now I a thinking I might have bronchitis...what to do about it? Ugh! Every now and then if I cough I really struggle with breathing as this stuff comes up and it's really weird...and now it's the weekend so if I want to go to the doctor.....weather hear is cool and raw and it's gross...at least it's not raining today and I see sunshine actually peaking through...it's been cold and rainy for several days here.
Wow I just realized that my song "Bound for Glory" is #9 in spiritual christian...interesting.
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