Beth Fridinger
12/14/2008 10:21:58 PM
another song..this one is a Christimas tune
Well I just added a Christmas tune...attempted to play a mandolin lead on it...very simple...I started off playing the guitar track without a click then added vocals, bass, eggs, tambo, and mando, in that order...God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen...The December VS Planet challenge of the month.
I also wrote 2 new I will post shortly...also recorded the guitar without a click..."Bully Outlaw" which I will post in January. The other tune "Hold Me Tight Don't Let Go" may need something else so I'm not sure when I'll post it...but it's my attempt to write a happy love song! I will probably post these songs in Sound Click and Reverb Nation and I'll wait till January to post on IAC.