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Beth Fridinger
5/12/2009 6:52:11 AM
---- Updated 5/12/2009 6:54:19 AM
Well I have been getting interested in these videos...here's one
The Man With No Band
5/12/2009 7:09:56 AM
Nice to see you 'round Beth ...
I think I saw this guy in a documentary on PBS a few weeks ago when I was visiting some friends ... I only caught a little bit of it so I'm not sure but it looks like him anyway ... He could end up as cat food but he's probably safer there than driving down the road ...
Vincenzo Pandolfi
5/12/2009 9:14:59 AM
Amazing Beth,
I can only do that with my dog Bruno....Well he is like a Lion to some!!
Mr. Ed
5/12/2009 4:20:41 PM
---- Updated 5/12/2009 4:23:37 PM
An enjoyable video, although I felt that the somewhat "amateurish" performance of these particular lions, did detract somewhat from the experience.
I don't know why these human directing and casting types continually make the same foolish mistake of just plugging some inexpensive, totally inexperienced, unknown "character" animal without any formal training, or theatric skillset, ...into an otherwise professionally done production like this, instead of paying Union Rate for an EXPERIENCED, QUALIFIED, PROFESSIONAL ANIMAL ENTERTAINER,
...and then expecting nobody to notice the difference in the performance they deliver!
When you need a tooth pulled, ...you don't try to save a few bucks by paying some Zebra you plucked off a street corner somewhere! You pay what's required to hire a DENTIST Right???!!! IMHO animal casting is no different!
Is it me??
Sorry for the rant folks, ...just a pet peeve.
Beth Fridinger
7/27/2009 8:05:43 AM
Mr Ed I find your comment strange....this video is showing this guy who has these lions on his reserve...it's showing the soft side of the King of the Jungle...it is not meant just for entertaining...it is showing a very unique relationship...
7/28/2009 2:42:21 AM
Good to see you posting Beth!
In New Zealand a keeper was mauled to death by a lion about 3 months ago, at a lion park----there seems to be a new Fashion of having a human in with the big cats to create excitement for the visitors to the park-----this guy was well known to the lions---- but one suddenly turned on him and mauled him to death----it has caused the park to rethink its policy----!
Beth Fridinger
7/29/2009 7:55:52 AM
They can be quite vicious as well as quite loving...they are very scary...which is why I am so amused by that guy who rolls with them...they are very powerful...huge paws huge teeth...they are very quick...anybody who is around with them has to really be an animal behaviorist to know how to deal with such dangerous critters...but the story of Christian the Lion and Elsa the Lioness (Born Free) just warm my heart...I think you would have to raise them to be able to be safe with them and even then perhaps one could turn on you but they are all individuals with different personalities and that is amazing. I really like the you tube video with Mad Mike crawling towards the lions, one coming over to check him out, and Mike lying back in an nonthreatening pose, and when the lion tries to get close to sniff him or swipe him he raises up with his arm up with a roll of toilet paper and the lion backs down and finally the lion walks away, stops, turns around and looks at him one more time as if to see "what the hell are you doing anyways" and walks back to join the pride sitting under the tree.
Jeff Allen Myers
7/29/2009 8:13:25 AM
They can kill you by trying to Love you :) I think this happened to Roy of Ziegfried and Roy, the Tiger tried to pick him up as if he were a Cub..... just about proved fatal.
I can appreciate the Mans appreciation and respect for the Lions, I just hope he does not have a Family that counts on him....and I hope his affairs are in order.
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