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Beth Fridinger
8/17/2009 8:16:15 AM
---- Updated 8/17/2009 10:55:09 PM
how to nonmembers vote?
A chinese friend emailed me and could not vote for the song. She's Chinese and didn't know how to vote or what to do. How does one register.
Bam Singh
8/17/2009 9:30:33 AM
Start a Listener page, by clicking on Signup from the menu at the top of most IAC pages, or go to:
Beth Fridinger
8/17/2009 5:37:57 PM
---- Updated 8/17/2009 5:48:20 PM
I told them to sign up as an artist...did I do wrong? I will copy your link and tell them ASAP. I sent them the correct link hopefully they can do it. Seems complicated for some folks.
IAC Admin
8/17/2009 6:06:53 PM
They can sign up as an artist if they're an artist, or anyone can sign up as a listener. There's a link called "Signup" on the menu on any page. It's on the far left. Like Holo.
Jesse Adams
8/17/2009 6:49:37 PM
Haha, yes! That was great Admin. :)
Beth Fridinger
8/17/2009 10:56:57 PM
They should have the information on the page where it says to vote....for the less computer literate folks or ones with limited English, who don't know what to do...thanks for the links...it's been awhile since I signed up so I wasn't sure...but in the voting links it's all for artists and that's what confused those two folks I guess.
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