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10/11/2010 4:35:33 AM
10/10/10 Get Together ?

2/2/2010 2:15:35 AM
New Member, Joanne Lurio + Album Review

5/26/2009 2:48:24 PM
Page finally re-upped and a new vocal track, first in 15 yrs.

5/10/2009 2:57:32 AM
What's up with KIAC cash stream ?

11/29/2008 10:23:56 PM
After 10 yrs of elf imposed exile, a new single ! "You Do it Right" - featuring Letha Allen

11/13/2008 4:22:14 AM
Unplug the Plugins

3/27/2008 5:20:51 AM
Awards Broadcast, can someone explain ?

3/18/2008 4:15:04 AM
Tnaks for the nomination.....

1/24/2008 1:18:29 AM
OK OK , who's being a dick with the click click ?

10/24/2007 12:14:50 PM
Can different genres be sucessfully melded ?

9/13/2007 7:41:33 AM
The Art of Collaboration

9/11/2007 5:20:58 AM
Green in the Green Room

9/4/2007 4:48:12 AM
Caught In the Loop

8/29/2007 4:58:16 AM
Bring on the Angst, It's Good for the Creative Soul

8/22/2007 12:12:32 AM
When it's Just Not Working


IAC Prime Member



9/4/2007 4:48:12 AM

Caught In the Loop
OK, OK, after fruitlessly trying over and over to plug in the acoustic guitar, and getting a sound resembling a sitar in a train tunnel, the time had come to dig deep, bite the bullet and go in search of the infamous, and these days well regarded loops from the masters. Now, I don't mind a good loop. They're great for those repetitive bits that really aren't worth hiring a drummer or bass player for when fleshing out a song, and exceptionally good if they're a sound effect and you happen to slip off the mouse and send the things spiralling out of time control. Talk about originality.

Not being a guitarist, I've never really worried about the guitar tracks. Just phone up a guitarist friend, send an email to an anonymous web server, pay a few bucks or scratch a few backs, and said track miraculously appears in the in box ready to be fitted seamlessly into the music of the moment. This was not the case in this case. Friends on holidays, unanswered emails and a dirge of new possibilities simply add to the confusion of how to get the damn backing track finished without the most important bits resembling a wobbly wind chime shaking in a junkyard breeze. There are a number of considerations here however. Patience and persistence simply don't work in regard to Brilliant Idea No1 on account of the musician in question having no idea that his musical abilities on acoustic guitar are far from brilliant.

So off we go on a musical odyssey, in search of the perfect guitar loop to complement the perfect but erratic accompliment . And what a host of material to choose from. Music sites abounding with the latest offers and discounts, all conveniently packaged and shipped to the door within a manner of days. A small thought creeps in here, that if it takes a couple of days to arrive, what about finding that unfindable riff on an internet site of dubious repute ? A quick look provides a simple answer. With URL's resembling the length of a Beijing telephone book, and a whole host of options ending in the domain name .ru, it's quite obvious this line of questioning will result in the immediate and systematic destruction of one or more hard drives, and a locking of the Windows which will require expert intervention. Best left alone.

After careful consideration of the viable alternatives, and not being a student, pensioner or other worthy individual of society in order to receive the maximum discount, ( Oh, that's right I'm a musician, which says it all really ) the appropriate title is selected and it's time to fill out the form. The little padlock arrives on the lower corner of the screen and provides great assurance to the one who is about to send his credit card details and entire financial viability into the abyss of the digital realm. At least the web site does not end in .ru.

Now it's time to sit back, and over the next couple of days, watch the little parcel make it's way through the twists and turns of Fedex, thanks to the helpful little tracking programme that has been sent via email. Oh good, it's got to Dallas, yippee it's passed through Hawaii, and what do you know? , it's landed at Sydney airport and is clearing through customs. It's always great to deal with a company that knows the difference between Australia and Austria. Ok, it's now the afternoon and it hasn't arrived. The little tracking programme said it would be here by this afternoon and it's nearly 4.30. Time to take the kids to their swimming lessons. It wouldn't arrive while I was away for an hour would it ? You bet it would. Upon our return, there is a white card at the doorstep stating "We called with your parcel, but you weren't in." . NO BLOODY KIDDING !

OK, calm down. Just leave the signed card at the door, and they will leave the package next time they come around. Hopefully tomorrow.

Tomorrow arrives, and there, in the morning, sitting in the gleaming sun, is the little package. But wait. It looks a bit strange. The glee of receiving such a wo

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9/4/2007 8:28:14 AM

Thanks niteshift that was great (and very tiring) Hope it was all worth it. Guitar lessons might have been less stressful. In my experience once something encounters it's first hitch it seems destined get every one going - Sod and Murphy have a lot to answer for :) V

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