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Troy Beadles
Views for this Topic: 1114

12/22/2015 2:18:14 AM

7/4/2013 8:07:21 PM
Happy Independence Day America!

3/26/2012 6:30:29 AM
#1 in Elvis' Birth City of Rock & Roll:

1/26/2012 9:55:09 PM
Hey Folks!

12/23/2011 3:41:41 PM
Happy Holidays IAC!

5/12/2009 4:51:02 PM
TroyBeadles.com is LIVE!

2/23/2009 7:34:37 AM
Troy's MySpace Group Troy's Tavern:

2/19/2009 12:36:27 AM
TroyBeadles.com has been launched!

1/1/2009 4:50:56 AM

12/23/2008 1:53:06 AM
Holiday Jam Home Music Video:

12/23/2008 1:10:37 AM
Rock Quote:

12/22/2008 11:47:37 AM
Happy Holidays! I Hope You Enjoy My New Material!

7/10/2008 7:27:13 AM
Troy Beadles' New Main MySpace! Please Add!

12/23/2007 4:35:36 PM

11/14/2007 6:43:02 PM
Invitation to my LIVE Radio Broadcasts!

11/9/2007 1:00:32 PM
5 New Songs Up on my MySpace Profile! [+]

10/12/2007 2:17:41 PM

10/12/2007 2:17:40 PM

10/9/2007 1:51:16 PM
Imagine Peace Tower ~ Tribute to Lennon:

10/8/2007 3:40:18 PM
Have a Great Week Everyone!

10/6/2007 6:17:52 PM
Radio Frequencies Help Burn Salt Water ~ Discussion Welcome!

10/6/2007 9:21:34 AM
Recently setup an imeem.com profile!

10/4/2007 10:25:30 AM
My 3 Solo Albums Now For Sale (Digital CD's on IAC)

10/3/2007 6:16:45 PM
When All Seems Lost

9/23/2007 1:35:03 PM
Attention Artists: K-Mo Productions Nashville

9/15/2007 7:36:02 PM

9/15/2007 3:27:32 AM
Watchya Think About My New Release?

9/9/2007 8:34:44 AM
Beadles is Here to Stay! IAC Prime Perpetual Member!

9/8/2007 12:17:25 PM
IACmusic.com Video & Radio Promotion(s):

9/6/2007 9:34:18 AM

9/3/2007 10:30:49 PM
Please Demand Me!

9/1/2007 5:51:35 PM
Seeking: Rock/Hard Rock/Metal Bands & Artists For New Station!

8/30/2007 3:23:26 AM
MySpace Link Exchange! Everyone Post Your Link!!

8/29/2007 11:26:58 PM
Hey Everyone! I'm New Here!

8/22/2007 6:53:51 PM
About The Man & His Music:


IAC Prime Member


Troy Beadles

11/14/2007 6:43:02 PM

Invitation to my LIVE Radio Broadcasts!
Hi IAC friends! I wanted to invite you all to my LIVE Radio Broadcasts! I've not got a set schedule as of yet. I am currently monitering the traffic times for best show results.

If you would like some Airtime, please send your mp3 to beadlesmusic@aol.com and I will properly introduce you and point my listeners to the direction to where they may purchase your song or songs.

If you would like Broadcast Alerts, feel free to add me to your MySpace page or register @ NowLive.com and add TDBeadles (me) as a friend.

My MySpace can be located @ http://www.myspace.com/tdbeadlesandcompany

Thanks for your time!
Troy Beadles

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11/14/2007 6:59:40 PM

Hey Troy,

thats impressive-------you push the right buttons!!!

gotta love the chat

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Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin

11/14/2007 7:36:47 PM

Sounds great Troy! See problem below...................

Only problem is that I went to your myspace page but couldn't figure it out at all. Holy Troy! You have almost 30,000 friends!!! How did you get so many friends and where do you find time for them all? Your page is so HUGE that I couldn't even figure out how or where to sign up as your friend. Troy, I think I'd rather be your friend on IAC. You're too famous at myspace. I'd just fade and disappear in the presence of all those hot glamourous glittering blingy babes with massive boobs and thongs and high heels! Your plain Jane IAC friend, deb

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