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Stephen John
11/24/2017 5:02:11 PM
Ok, I am trying to understand how the awards work. Do I just go to a station and select thing I like there to vote for? Or do I just send in songs to the email address?
Father Time
11/24/2017 9:51:57 PM
Did you get the nominations email? If not there's a thread on the pipeline, you cut and paste the categories, put songs you choose there, but you must check the songs on songpage to make sure they were created between 11/11/16 and 11/10/17.
11/25/2017 4:44:06 AM
---- Updated 11/25/2017 4:45:00 AM
Stephen, no, you don't HAVE to pick songs from stations, but if you have a station or like a station then you can select from there.
Or you can look in 'All songs' or 'Genres' or 'Charts, or Featured list etc
All those links are on the front page
So anywhere you find a song you like (uploaded between those dates) that falls into a genre on your email submission list.
It isn't easy but just choosing a few of your favorites will help us greatly to move on to the next stage.
Thanks Verity
WWMM Michael
11/25/2017 3:58:20 PM
Mashing the "Find a Genre" button on the IMP home page helped me a lot, Verity. I was able to identify and nominate some songs that are not on my station that way.
I am also going to use that in the future when I make genre-themed stations.
Stephen John
11/30/2017 1:23:20 AM
GReat thanks for the help everyone.
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