12/12/2007 1:17:16 PM
Not to be confused with it's close relative the 'grape', the 'gripe' a sour fruit, which can be very bitter at times......depending on how long it is left on the tree before harvesting.
This interesting fact was brought to you by me.
12/13/2007 11:08:22 AM
I am glad that you curious little coconuts!!! For I studied the ways of the gripe fruit for many years, documenting it's every move, capturing it at every angle and simulating it's growth cycle with two bits of string and a recycled paper clip.
As you can imagine, spending all this time with the gripe fruit had a profound affect on me. I had grown separated from the pack and them too from me, they now considered me a fruit.......almost forgetting, that I too was a mammal like themselves!!
Here is what my research concluded:
Gripe p [grahyp]
1. The edible, wrinkled, hairy, oily, waxy, sour and pulpy fruit that grows in clusters on vines in the Baracudian Orchards through the months of May, June and July, that is mostly used for medicinal purposes.
2. Any vine bearing this fruit .
3. A dusty, rusty, red speckled - terracotta colour.
4. Gripes, (used with a singular verb) Veterinary Pathology.
a. Gastrointestinal malfunction occurring in cattle, characterized by the external formation of gripe-like clusters in the faeces.
b. Gastrointestinal disfunction occurring in horses, characterized by gripe-like clusters and illustrations upon the horses saddle.
5. To suffer pain in the bowels.
6. Something that grips or clutches; a claw or grip.
7. A lashing or chain by which a boat is secured to a deck or in position on davits.